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Eucharist celebration held on the steps of Erfurt Cathedral.

The Katholikentag in Erfurt gains momentum post-opening, though rain threatens the event's progress.

Erfurt's Bishop Ulrich Neymeyr marches with the procession to the Corpus Christi service on the...
Erfurt's Bishop Ulrich Neymeyr marches with the procession to the Corpus Christi service on the cathedral square.

Catholic Celebration - Eucharist celebration held on the steps of Erfurt Cathedral.

Even though the skies were fiercely pouring down rain and the breathtaking scenery of the cathedral stood as their backdrop, attendees still pleased in celebrating the Corpus Christi Mass on the 103rd Catholic Day in Erfurt.

Bishop Ulrich Neymeyr was the one that led the mass, honoring the Catholic event which carried the motto, "The future belongs to mankind in peace." He stated, "We need to be devoted to justice and peace - now, in both the cultural and the political aspects of life." Even though Thuringia's leader, Bodo Ramelow (Left), is officially Protestant, he made an appearance at the ceremony.

The celebration of Corpus Christi is not a recognized holiday in Thuringia, unlike in other regions where Catholics form a majority. However, one exception is Eichsfeld, a significant Catholic region within the federal state.

"In this seemingly secularized city, as we face the approaching Thuringian state election, we desire to showcase the richness of the Catholic lifestyle in the next few days," noted the head of the Central Committee of German Catholics, Irme Stetter-Karp, prior to the start of the mass. She also highlighted the connection amongst Catholics and other religions during the Catholic Day. Protesant representatives were present, as well. Open discussions are scheduled on stages and panels regarding the connection with Islam and Judaism.

Fearing the impending torrential rains on Thursday, the event officials expressed that they are in consistent communication with the meteorologists. Forecasts predict steady rainfall and possibly thunderstorms for the entirety of this large congregation of believers. The Catholic Day will conclude on Sunday. The expectation is for around twenty thousand visitors to attend in the Thuringian capital.

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