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Estonia calls for Russian diplomat over border dispute.

Elimination of border markers in a river.

Estonia has extradited a Russian citizen to the USA.
Estonia has extradited a Russian citizen to the USA.

Estonia calls for Russian diplomat over border dispute.

Estonia's chargé d'affaires at the Russian embassy has been called in for a meeting due to the removal of buoys indicating the shipping route in the border river, Narva.

During this meeting, the diplomat was told that such actions were viewed as "provocative" and "unacceptable" by Estonia. Foreign Minister Margus Tsahkna stated this on Friday. Estonia is pressing for explanations regarding the disappearance of these markers and their immediate return.

On the night of Thursday, Russian border guards removed 24 buoys from the Narva river, which was being used by Estonia to mark the shipping route. Narva is the border between the two neighboring countries and serves as the eastern external border of the EU and NATO as well.

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