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Erdogan sharply attacks Netanyahu - comparison with Hitler

"Is there anything Netanyahu has done less than Hitler? No", said Erdogan. The Turkish president also criticized Germany's stance on the Gaza war.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has sharply attacked Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan has sharply attacked Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Conflicts - Erdogan sharply attacks Netanyahu - comparison with Hitler

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has once again attacked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for his actions in the Gaza war and compared him to Adolf Hitler.

"We have seen Israel's Nazi camps in stadiums, haven't we? What is that? How are you different from Hitler?" said Erdogan at a science awards ceremony in Ankara. He did not explain what exactly he meant, but videos of Palestinian prisoners being held in a stadium in the Gaza Strip have been circulating on social media in recent days. "Is there anything Netanyahu has done less than Hitler? No," Erdogan continued.

Israel strongly opposed Erdogan's remarks. "His words are deeply offensive to every Jew around the world," said Israeli President Izchak Herzog on Wednesday evening. Erdogan had violated the memory of millions of Jews who were murdered by the Nazis.

Criticism of Germany

Erdogan also criticized Germany for not condemning Netanyahu for the many civilian victims in the Gaza Strip. "I say this very clearly, look: Germany is still paying the price today for what Hitler did. That is why Germany is silent, it has bowed its head," Erdogan said.

Erdogan, who as the head of state of a NATO country is actually an ally of the USA, also once again criticized US support for Israel. With help from Washington, Netanyahu's government had been able to kill over 20,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, he said.

On Wednesday, the Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health announced that at least 21,110 people had been killed since the start of the Gaza war on October 7. The figures cannot be independently verified. The war was triggered by the worst massacre in Israel's history, carried out by terrorists from Hamas and other groups in Israel on October 7, in which 1,200 people were killed.

Erdogan is a staunch supporter of the Palestinians. He refuses to classify the Islamist Hamas as terrorist and repeatedly attacks Netanyahu verbally. For example, he also referred to him as the "butcher of Gaza".

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