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Environment activists stop their life-endangering food boycott

Berlin-based climate activists were considering intensifying their hunger strike. However, a message from the Chancellor prompted the group to pay attention.

Under the slogan "Starve until you are honest", a group of climate activists have been on strike in...
Under the slogan "Starve until you are honest", a group of climate activists have been on strike in Berlin's government district since the beginning of March

The chancellor's contemplation time frame. - Environment activists stop their life-endangering food boycott

Environmental advocates at Invalidenpark have resolved to postpone expediting their hunger strike for a public acknowledgment from Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) at this time. The activists are responding to "beneficial indications from politics," as stated on Thursday. "As an alternative to entering an exceedingly delicate dry hunger strike, they will currently give Chancellor Scholz and authorities a week's reprieve," declared in an official statement.

Extending a hand

Consequently, the climate activists have opted to "extend a hand" to the Chancellor and the government. This involves that the hunger strike requesting a government statement will be alleviated for a week, and "the hunger strikers will momentarily consume energy in the form of juice or food once more."

Protesters affiliated with the "Hunger until you're honest" movement have been urging Scholz for weeks to publicly admit that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has already achieved its upper limit and that there is no remaining CO2 allowance.

Protesters hungry for over two months

The reaction of the protesters is thought to have been a contributory factor in Scholz, during his statements from the flooded areas in Bavaria and the federal government statement on Friday, "eventually likening flood disasters to the climate emergency for the first time."

"It's not enough as yet, but we notice encouraging alterations in the Chancellor's remarks," Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick, a hunger striker, is reportedly saying. He had initiated his demonstration on March 7th, and successively others joined him. He had sipped juice each day for the initial 78 days, and since then he had been in an "absolute hunger strike," which indicates that although he still consumed liquids, he had no energy from carbs. 2

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