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Climate protesters escalate their hunger strike in Berlin.

Activists have been urging the Chancellor to issue a government statement about the pressing issue of climate change for several weeks. Since Scholz has not responded, they plan to escalate their efforts.

Climate activist Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick has been on hunger strike for 84 days.
Climate activist Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick has been on hunger strike for 84 days.

Protests are taking place. - Climate protesters escalate their hunger strike in Berlin.

Protesters in Berlin are escalating their efforts to bring attention to the urgency of climate action, by putting their own health at risk. One of these individuals, a 34-year-old Berlin resident named Adrian Lack, declared that he will embark on an "absolute hunger strike". This means he'll abstain from cooking since the 8th of April. In addition, he'll also give up fruit and vegetable juices containing carbs. Wolfgang Metzeler-Kick, a 49-year-old from Munich, has also been on a hunger strike since March 7th and plans on only consuming water, minerals, and vitamin tablets.

This group of activists and their allies are demonstrating under the slogan "Hunger until you're honest." Their ultimate goal is to have Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) make an official statement acknowledging the life-threatening risks associated with the climate catastrophe and emphasizing that the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is dangerously high.

Scholz, however, has no plans to meet these demands. In fact, according to a spokesperson for the government, he wishes that the demonstration would end. Scholz expressed his sentiment on a previous Friday, stating, "My deepest desire is for the action to stop." Self-harming is not beneficial.

The group announced on Tuesday that Metzeler-Kick's condition was "critical", which led his medical team to abandon their support. The four protesters currently reside in a tent camp outside the Federal Ministry of Economics. Metzeler-Kick started his hunger strike back on March 7th, with others joining gradually. Two individuals have already discontinued their protest.

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