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"Call for Increased Caliphate!" - Counterfeit CDU signage has emerged.

Security authorities probe into the matter.

Laut CDU-Kreisverband Leipzig sind die Plakate auch in  anderen sächsischen Landstrichen...
Laut CDU-Kreisverband Leipzig sind die Plakate auch in anderen sächsischen Landstrichen aufgehängt worden.

"Call for Increased Caliphate!" - Counterfeit CDU signage has emerged.

"Caliphate Dare" Call for CDU: Counterfeit Posters Spotted in Leipzig

This isn't the kind of message the CDU would want to associate with its name. However, posters with the slogan and the party logo have been found in the city. District association members are furious, and the authorities have been notified about this.

A team of unknown individuals seems to be behind the circulation of fake CDU election posters in Leipzig. Referencing the CDU's current campaign posters, these forgeries carry the phrase "Leipzig: Uncertain. Dare." along with the slogan "More Caliphate Dare!" The State Security is now investigating the case, as shared by a police spokeswoman.

CDU district head Andreas Nowak claimed to have seen at least ten of these fakes in different parts of the city. But there could be more, he added. "We're offended," Nowak stated. "Our party is being connected to Islamic extremism."

The forgers have put in a lot of work and perfectly mimicked the appearance of official CDU posters. Nowak considered this a case of copyright infringement. He said this wasn't a prank by idiots or satire but a serious matter. Legal action will be taken against the perpetrators if they're identified. The posters first surfaced on Saturday, Nowak shared.

According to Nowak, similar fake posters have popped up in other Saxony regions as well - in Chemnitz and Zwickau. He urged people to report any forgeries they spot in their neighborhoods. The news was initially covered by the news portal Tag24.

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