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Authorities probe counterfeit CDU election signs.

Leipzig's CDU believes counterfeit campaign signs have linked them to Islamist radicals. The posters proclaim, "Mehr Kalifat wagen!" ("Dare more caliphate!"), alluding to the CDU, and an investigation by the state security agency is now underway.

Fake: A fake CDU election poster:
Fake: A fake CDU election poster:

Saxony Reports: Latest Developments from the German State of Saxony - Authorities probe counterfeit CDU election signs.

Some individuals have disseminated counterfeit CDU campaign posters in Leipzig, as confirmed by a police spokesperson in response to inquiries. CDU district leader Andreas Nowak mentioned at least ten bogus posters that had surfaced in different parts of the city.

"There's likely more." These deceptive posters resemble the authentic CDU campaign posters, containing the message "Leipzig. Dangerous. Make it better" and the catchphrase "More of the caliphate!".

"We're outraged," Nowak stated. "This associates our party with Islamic extremism." The individuals who fabricated these posters spent considerable effort to closely imitate the genuine CDU posters, leading Nowak to believe this was copyright infringement. Nowak asserted that this incident was not a harmless prank or a satirical effort. He vowed to pursue legal measures against the responsible parties once they are identified. The posters were first unearthed on Saturday.

Based on Nowak's understanding, similar fake posters have surfaced in other Saxon regions - in Chemnitz and Zwickau. Nowak implored residents to report any such forgeries they encounter. The Tag24 news site had previously detailed this situation.

Read also:

  1. State security authorities in Saxony are examining the production and distribution of these counterfeit CDU election posters as a potential crime.
  2. The alleged fabrication of these election posters, which falsely associate the CDU with the Islamic State's ideology of a caliphate, is a concerning development for the CDU party in Saxony, particularly in regions like Saxony's Saxonia-Anhalt and Saxony-Lusatia, known for their CDU majorities.
  3. Following the incident in Leipzig, Andreas Nowak, the CDU district leader, has urged all parties involved in Saxony's upcoming elections to pay close attention to security protocols and report any suspicious activities related to election poster fraud.
  4. Andreas Nowak, in his statement against the producers of these posters, highlighted the significance of preventing such incidences to protect the integrity of elections and the reputations of political parties in Germany, as well as maintain public trust.
  5. As the CDU prepares for state elections in Saxony in 2026, the party leaders have made it clear that addressing these security concerns will be a top priority to ensure their campaigns run smoothly and that their messages are not misconstrued by any false posters or external influences.


