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An impending infidelity scandal is looming at the Spanish royal court.

Whispers circulate in the Spanish royal household. Queen Letizia and King Felipe are believed to have maintained a fake marriage for a long time. Allegations include numerous infidelities, separate bedrooms, and hired guards keeping watch over them.

Letizia and Fellipe of Spain are said to have been in a sham marriage for years
Letizia and Fellipe of Spain are said to have been in a sham marriage for years

Queen Letizia of Spain dresses in trendy ensemble while attending United Nations convention - An impending infidelity scandal is looming at the Spanish royal court.

For the queen's 20th wedding anniversary on May 22nd, instead of romantic letters, there were headlines in Spanish newspapers saying the royal couple's marriage was in ruins. This drama was caused by a new book called "Los silencios de Letizia" or "The Silence of Letizia."

The author, Jaime Penafiel, a 91-year-old aristocracy expert, did not hesitate to criticize the Spanish queen in the past. In 2023, he wrote another book called "Letizia y yo" or "Letizia and I," where he accused her of having an affair with her former brother-in-law Jaime Del Burgo. In his new book, Penafiel accuses Queen Letizia of having had eight other lovers during her marriage to King Felipe.

The couple's public appearances are simply their jobs, and they reportedly sleep in separate beds and lead separate lives. Penafiel's sources claim, "Felipe and Letizia do not share a bed or a table. They don't even talk to each other anymore." He describes their marriage as "hypocrisy and parody."

According to the Argentine magazine "Caras," both the queen and the king have had secret partners for some time. However, the source of this information is not disclosed by the magazine. Detailed details are given. Queen Letizia is said to have spent a romantic weekend at a castle with a new lover. This lover, who is "very rich," owns a "castle in the French Pyrenees." King Felipe is said to be spending his time with a "rich heiress." They are both careful not to take photos of themselves together.

Penafiel claims that Felipe found out about Letizia's infidelity in real-time. Her bodyguards who always accompanied her were allegedly ordered to inform the king if she had appointments or not.

When this all started, according to royal expert Pilar Eyre in an interview with the TV station TV3, Felipe was "crushed and shattered" by Letizia's betrayal, as Penafiel puts it. The Spanish intelligence agency "Centro Nacional de Inteligencia" (CNI) is said to have been sent after Letizia to find out the truth. If this allegation is true, it would not have happened without Felipe's approval.

Infidelity in the Spanish palace is not a new topic. Felipe's parents also separated after numerous rumors of affairs. King Juan Carlos is said to have had an affair with the society lady Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein for years. That was too much for his wife Sofia. After the change of reign in 2014, they no longer felt a need to maintain the facade. They now live separately: Sofia in the Zarzuela Palace northwest of Madrid, Juan Carlos in exile in Dubai. They only kept up appearances for their duties.

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