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Almost 3000 individuals in Bavaria impacted by evacuations.

Live updates on floods

Söder during his visit to Reichertshofen.
Söder during his visit to Reichertshofen.

Almost 3000 individuals in Bavaria impacted by evacuations.

In Bavaria, approximately 3000 individuals have been relocated from flood-threatened regions, as per a representative of the Bavarian Interior Ministry in Munich. Approximately 20,000 personnel are currently engaged in various flood-related operations, while 40,000 have been actively involved since the flood situation commenced.

15:51 Weather specialist: "I can't even comprehend the scope of the damage" Bernd Fuchs, a meteorologist from ntv, believes it's unlikely that the flooding in the south will abate. "Every drop is too much," Fuchs emphasized. Asked about the connection to the climate crisis, he views the current conditions as a "clear indication of where we're headed."

15:22 Electrocution when conducting work in the floods - serious injury of a manDuring flood-related electrical work in the Upper Bavarian district of Freising, a 27-year-old worker from an energy company sustained serious electric shock injuries. A spokesperson from the Bavarian Police Presidium Upper Bavaria North reported the incident at a flooded location near Allershausen's town hall. Rescue helicopters airlifted the injured individual to the hospital. The work appears related to the flood situation.

15:02 Shipping on the Upper Rhine haltedDue to heavy rainfall in southern Germany, water levels along the Rhine have increased, partially suspending shipping. The Rhine High Water Forecasting Center Rhineland-Palatinate reports that no ships can navigate in a section of the Upper Rhine between Karlsruhe since Saturday. At Maximiliansau on Saturday evening, the water level had surpassed the severe shipping water level II of 7.50 meters. On Sunday afternoon, the level was at 8.20 meters but anticipated to decline at night. However, rising water levels are projected in the coming days further downstream: in Mannheim, Worms, and Mainz. On the Middle and Lower Rhine, high water levels are also expected in the upcoming days, which could possibly endanger shipping on this key waterway. At the Koblenz gauge, a level of roughly 6.10 meters is expected on Tuesday, beyond which no ships can sail. On Wednesday, the highest levels are expected in Cologne and Düsseldorf.

14:38 Autobahn A9 closed for about 50 kilometers between Allershausen and Ingolstadt After a dam rupture in the Landkreis Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, the Autobahn A9 is closed for about 50 kilometers. A representative of the Bavarian Police Presidium Upper Bavaria North announced that the road is flooded in multiple locations. This is a novel situation for law enforcement in the area. Additionally, there have been power outages. Numerous residents are impacted. Efforts are underway to solve the issue. The district administration has urged the residents of Reichertshofen, Baar-Ebenhausen, and Manching to relocate to the upper floors of their homes and apartments.

Update: 3:23 PM: The Autobahn GmbH states that the section between Ingolstadt-South and Langenbruck is impacted in both directions. Moreover, the segment between Pfaffenhofen and the Neufahrn junction is significantly restricted. It is advised to avoid the entire region bypassing it altogether. There are additional constraints due to flooding on the A8 in the direction of Munich, also in Sulzemoos.

1:59 PM: Economics Minister Habeck prioritizes climate change effortsEconomics Minister Robert Habeck urges increased efforts for climate protection as the flood disaster in southern Germany subsides. "Restricting CO2 emissions, so we have sufficient time to adapt, should not be mocked or squelched, but is the utmost priority," Habeck stated during a visit to flood-affected Reichertshofen in Bavaria. The frequency of natural disasters is "an unequivocal sign that nature and climate are altering." Century floods now occur "every few years," Habeck declared.

1:34 PM: Federal Chancellor Scholz to visit the flood-stricken area on MondayOn Monday, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz intends to visit the flood-affected region to obtain a firsthand evaluation of the situation. This was confirmed within governmental circles.

1:21 PM: Missing firefighter after a flood operation in OffingenFollowing an evacuation operation in Offingen, a 22-year-old firefighter is unaccounted for. The spokesperson for the police headquarters Swabia Southwest confirmed this. The man was supposedly with a fellow firefighter and DLRG members while en route to an evacuation site in a boat around 2:50 am when the vessel capsized. The rescued team members numbered four, while the missing person remained unfound. Since early morning, extensive search efforts have been conducted. Two helicopters are employed in the process. A 42-year-old firefighter has already lost his life in the flood relief operation.

1:11 PM: No relaxation: Storms induce heavy rain

The forthcoming week doesn't seem to provide any relaxation for those living in the southern German flood-hit areas. As per ntv meteorologist Bjoern Alexander, "the widespread and massive rainfall has certainly ceased." However, new and local thunderstorm centers have emerged.

12:52 PM: Potential dam breach in Paar

Another dam is experiencing imminent breach at Paar. The communities impacted are Rottmannshart, Westenhausen, Lindach, Ernsgaden, Irsching, and Knodorf in the district of Pfaffenhofen. Officials urge residents to promptly move to higher floors. Basements and cellars should be avoided, according to authorities. In the case of urgent scenarios, dial 112 to inform the fire department.

12:39 Soder: 40,000 employees working on Bavarian flooding

Bavarian Minister President Markus Söder remarked that around 40,000 individuals are working across the entire state of Bavaria to address the flooding. Söder stated during his visit to Upper Bavarian Reichertshofen, "The priority now will be to organize the reliefs really well over the next few hours." Individuals who've been working for extended periods must be replaced, Söder noted, as fatigue and potential errors can become a threat to safety.

12:29 Dam monitoring established in Straubing

The Donaupegel in Straubing is expected to reach its highest alert level four by day's end, as informed by the Bavarian Flood Information Service (HND). As per a city update, dam guards will be stationed from 3 p.m. Fire brigade members will report any damages or changes in water levels directly from the site. Furthermore, more sandbags are being filled.

12:03 Dam Break in Baar-Ebenhausen

In Baar-Ebenhausen, a dam has given way. Officials warn the residents of Reichertshofen, Baar-Ebenhausen, and Manching to leave their ground floors immediately.

11:37 Chancellor Scholz expresses gratitude to rescuers in flooded regions

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz expresses gratitude to the rescue workers and volunteers helping in flood-stricken areas. He writes on X, "The death of a firefighter in Pfaffenhofen deeply saddens me." "My thoughts are with his fellow colleagues," Scholz adds. On Saturday night, a firefighter from the voluntary fire department perished during a rescue operation in the Upper Bavarian district of Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm.

11:25 Catholic Day in Erfurt mentions flood situation

Georg Bätzing, Chairperson of the German Bishops' Conference, addresses the Catholic Day in Erfurt, "My sympathies and hopes go out to those affected by the recent storms, primarily in the south of our country, who are either cleaning up or still struggling with the floods."

10:59 Parts of Meckenbeuren in Bodenseekreis submerged underwater

Habeck is traveling in the flood area together with Bavaria's Minister President Söder and Interior Minister Herrmann.

Districts of Kehlen and Brochenzell in the municipality of Meckenbeuren, Bodenseekreis, are now underwater. The Schussen has overflowed, flooding streets. Initially, around 1,300 individuals, out of their own accord, evacuated their homes to find safety. Some residents remain in their homes, residing in the upper floors. Usually, the Schussen's water level measures 0.45 meters; it surpassed 4.86 meters on Saturday evening.

10:34 Bavarian Minister President Söder pays respects to fallen firefighter

Bavaria's Minister President Markus Söder offers a tribute to a firefighter who passed during a rescue operation at the flood location of Bavaria in a post on X. "His brave service and dedication to help others will always be remembered," Söder composes. "Our deepest condolences and sympathies are with his comrades and colleagues. We're all mourning this tragic loss." Per police reports, the 42-year-old volunteer firefighter met his demise after the rescue boat he was in collided with a submerged house near towns of Affalterbach and Uttenhofen.

10:09 Ukrainian football team reschedules training due to heavy rainfall

The Ukrainian national football team cannot conduct its final training session at Max-Morlock-Stadion in Nuremberg at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday as planned before their European Championship (EM) match against the German squad. Instead, they will train in Erlangen. "We've decided it would be best if we spared the lawn in the stadium," confirms a spokesman for the Ukrainian team. Ukraine plays against Germany in Nuremberg on Monday (8:45 p.m./ARD).

Munich and its surroundings are experiencing continuous rain. Starting from Saturday at 6 a.m., the Munich fire department has attended to over 290 interventions. These firefighters are chiefly busy with pumping out water from flooded basements and garages. Additionally, several trees have been uprooted due to the excessively wet ground, causing some streets to be blocked off. On Saturday night, the level 2 flood warning for the Isar river was surpassed.

9:24: Floodwaters rush through Anhausen after dam burst

In Anhausen, the flood situation is gradually improving after a dam burst five kilometers away, causing the town to be flooded within minutes. Niklas Diemer, a reporter from ntv, shared that the evacuated residents are gradually returning, but the water levels remain critical in other parts.

9:08: THW adds more workers to flood-stricken areas

The Technical Relief Organization (THW) is deploying additional personnel to support the flood-torn areas in southern Germany. Approximately 1,800 individuals are currently employed in the operations, with the THW spokesperson sharing this information. The rescuers are working on fortifying dams, filling sandbags, and assisting with evacuations in the flood zones. Alongside the THW, the fire department and other emergency services are also in action.

8:30: Schwäbisch Gmünd ICE train to be rescued

The ICE train influence by a landslide in Schwäbisch Gmünd is expected to be saved during the morning. The train service in that area cannot pass through, according to a spokesperson. To facilitate the rescue operation, a rescue locomotive is positioned on the second track. The duration of the disruption is uncertainty. Earlier, a regional train managed to traverse the region past the ICE.

8:16: Missing individual in Schrobenhausen

In Schrobenhausen, a person is reported missing. The authorities believe this individual may have been in the building's basement during the arrival of flood waters. A spokesperson from the Neuburg-Schrobenhausen district office stated this in the morning. Currently, rescuers cannot access the home.

7:44: Fatality of a firefighter in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Upper Bavaria

A firefighter has died in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm, Upper Bavaria. He and three colleagues were capsized while using a rescue boat during an operation. A spokesperson for the district office confirmed this information in the morning.

7:29: Flooding shifts southward - ground level 4 in numerous regions

In Bavaria, the flood levels of the highest alert level 4 were registered at multiple locations. The primary focus remains on the southern tributaries of the Donau, including Günz, Mindel, Zusam, Schmutter, Paar, Abens, Ilm, and Amper. The peak levels were achieved overnight. The flooding is progressing downstream - from Swabia towards Lower Bavaria and Upper Palatinate. Reports indicate that areas such as Neuburg, Kelheim, Regensburg, Straubing, Manching, and Geisenfeld may be affected. The peak wave is expected to reach these places early in the week. In particular, Neuburg, Kelheim, Regensburg, Straubing, Schrobenhausen district's Mühlried, and Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm's Manching and Geisenfeld are most at risk.

6:54: DWD forecasts more heavy rain in the south

Extensive regions of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg are predicted to experience further thunderstorms with hefty rains by the German Weather Service (DWD). The DWD forecast shared in the morning states that thunderstorms combined with heavy rain will occur from noon on Sunday until late Monday night. This increases the likelihood of flooding and cellars being flooded again. Additionally, there is a potential for lightning strikes causing damage.

5:39: Evacuation calls are expanded in the Augsburg area

In Augsburg's flooded regions, authorities are amplifying evacuation calls. Residents of Kühlenthal and Allmannshofen are instructed to leave their residences immediately, announced the Integrated Control Center. Buses are being provided for those who cannot evacuate independently. Other spots in the district were advised to abandon their homes on Saturday night and throughout the night. The affected locations are mostly found along the Schmutter river, a tributary of the Danube.

5:05: Wiesbaden deploys defenses against rising water levels

Söder during his visit to Reichertshofen.

Officials in Wiesbaden are adopting measures to address rising water levels on the Rhine and Main. A flood barrier has been installed in Kostheim, as shared by the fire department early in the morning. In the Schierstein district, near the river, a pump has also been organized. Meanwhile, the fire department cautioned those with cars near the river to avoid parking in these areas for the coming days. No additional actions are foreseen at the moment.

In the town of Schwäbisch Gmünd, Baden-Württemberg, a landslide has stopped long-distance train traffic between Stuttgart and Munich. This occurred in the early morning. A spokesperson for the railway company cannot yet predict how long the line will remain closed. The landslide has also blocked the bypass between Aalen and Stuttgart. The trains were rerouted due to a flood in southern Germany.

In the city of Ulm, the Technical Relief Organization (THW) has been producing thousands of sandbags at night to aid those in flooded areas in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. They plan to deliver around 30,000 sandbags. THW is able to fill 400 sandbags per hour, with their requests coming from several locations in the southwest and another federal state. Heavy rain has increased water levels in parts of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.

23:13 THW Fills Over 30000 Sandbags in Ulm

The team of Technical Relief Organization (THW) in Ulm produced thousands of sandbags throughout the night to alleviate flooded or flood-prone areas in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. THW will deliver 30,000 sandbags, says head of THW logistics center, Bernd Urban. THW can now manufacture 400 sandbags an hour.

22:25 Red Cross Sends Floaters to Gunzburg

The Bavarian Red Cross is sending water rescue teams from Unterfranken to help with flooding in Schwabia. These teams are expected to join the efforts in the Gunzburg area, according to a Red Cross press release in the late afternoon. The Unterfranken region's water rescue teams - each comprising two boat and diving teams - are specially trained for flood rescue. Flood levels in Gunzburg are at their highest level in 100 years.

21:27 Schwäbisch Gmünd: ICE Wagons Go Off-Track

Due to a landslide near Schwäbisch Gmünd, Baden-Württemberg, two wagons of an ICE train with 185 passengers on board derailed. No one was injured; passengers were evacuated. The railway spokesperson said the train was evacuated to a nearby kindergarten, where they'd transfer to Plöderhausen via bus. The landslide was approximately 30m wide. The train was traveling from Stuttgart to Munich.

11:59 Landslide Hits Vehicle

A landslide in Schwäbisch Gmünd, Baden-Württemberg, Germany hit a car. No injuries reported. The landslide and railway run parallel at the site. Schwäbisch Gmünd is 50km east of Stuttgart. Since Friday, it's rainy in many places in Baden-Württemberg.

11:31 Neu-Ulm Averts Major Flood

The city of Neu-Ulm has avoided the threatened 100-year flood, according to Neu-Ulm's administration's morning assessment. While the water levels are high, the feared flooding didn't occur. Mayor Katrin Albsteiger confirmed this, adding authorities still don’t know how much damage resulted. Two streets, the Donau embankments, and cycle paths along the Danube and Iller are closed temporarily.

11:14 Danger at Isar’s Riverbank

Munich's Fire Department warns about dangers at the Isar Riverbank due to high water levels. Additionally, they've closed two significant hiking trails. The Isar River has reached warning level two. This signifies flooding on non-constructed areas or traffic trepidations stemming from the elevated water levels on roadways.

22:43 Schrobenhausen to Evacuate Around 670 People

The fire department and rescue services in Upper Bavaria plan to evacuate approximately 670 people in Schrobenhausen, Upper Bavaria. Machinery like bulldozers and boats are deployed in the Muhlried district and along the Weilach River, as the Neuburg-Schrobenhausen District Office reports. A citizen emergency hotline is also established, as the district declared a disaster. According to District Administrator Peter von der Gruen, southern Upper Bavaria is experiencing a concerning situation.

21:53 Frequent Fire Department Interventions in Eastern Thuringia

Storms and heavy rain are causing numerous fire department interventions in Eastern Thuringia. Gera's control center reported this. The area near Ronneburg in the Greiz district is experiencing traffic obstacles, flooded roads and fields, and water-filled cellars. A small stream surpassed its banks in Gera's Liebschwitz district.

21:15 Ranges of Railways Subsiding in the South - No Relief

Persistent downpours have led to several fire department interventions in Eastern Thuringia, and the situation is slowly improving. Meanwhile, several flooding incidents are still taking place. The flooded sections are along the Ronneburg, Greiz district’s area, where roads are submerged, fields are flooded, and cellars are swept up. In Gera's Liebschwitz district, a little creek has overflowed.

As per the German Weather Service (DWD), the rainfall has eased up a bit in areas of southern Germany affected or at risk of heavy rainfall. A DWD meteorologist claims, "We won't see the immense downpours like last night." Instead, showers and thunderstorms are moving in from the north, which may create the risk of local flooding later on Sunday afternoon. These showers may be intense and can linger. "If they land on the already soaked ground, there will be more flooding there," states the meteorologist. The regions potentially facing these showers and thunderstorms are the Swabian Alb, along with areas to the north of it, and regions around Augsburg, Nuremberg, Bamberg, and Regensburg.

22:25 Disaster state declared in Freising

Aerial photos show flooded Meckenbeuren.

The Freising district has declared a disaster state due to rivers and streams overflowing. The administration announced that record-breaking water levels are forecasted for the Amper and Glonn rivers. The district fears massive flooding in Hohenkammer, a town along the Amper, and all other locations adjacent to the Amper. Residents are urged to prepare for such a serious situation early on and, for instance, even clear out their cellars. Ten Bavarian districts have now declared a disaster situation.

21:50 Dillingen district likewise declares disaster state

With incessant rainfall, the Dillingen district in southern Bavaria has now also proclaimed a disaster state. In the evening, the Dillingen district administration reported exacerbated conditions on the Zusam, a tributary of the Danube. The district government is requesting assistance from the German Military. They foresee a hundred-year flood on the small river that could mainly affect the towns of Buttenwiesen and Wertingen. Meanwhile, authorities are readying to release water from the swollen Danube into the Riedstrom, a former Danube floodplain. The district administration is appealing to local farmers to keep their livestock in secure stables.

21:09 Eighth municipality in Bavaria emerges as a disaster area

The Landkreis Neuburg-Schrobenhausen declares a disaster state as the eighth municipality in Bavaria. The trigger is the increasing Donau and its tributaries, as the Upper Bavarian municipality's district office discloses. The Water Management Office in Ingolstadt forecasts level 4 at the Neuburg gauge for the night. The scenario at the Paar, a Donau tributary, and the Weilach, which flows into the Paar, is even more alarming, explains the district office. In the Schrobenhausen district of Mühldorf, the Weilach has already overflowed and flooded a residential area. Emergency services are arranging to evacuate residents there, as Landrat Peter von der Grün shares. The situation is critical, especially in the southern part of the district. Von der Grün emphasized that safeguarding roads, bridges, and roads is a priority. "Only then can the fire department keep functioning."

20:34 Rescue by helicopter saves lives in Babenhausen

The Bavarian Red Cross (BRK) plucked two individuals from the roof of their home in Babenhausen using a helicopter. A BRK spokesperson states the people were in a life-threatening situation due to the massive water masses. Numerous other people were retrieved from their homes by inflatable boats. The rescue teams fetched more than 100 people to safety - including several children.

20:13 Water rescuers extract individuals from cars near Augsburg

Besides extracting people from their homes, water rescuers also rescued people trapped in their vehicles as they could no longer open their doors because of the water masses. A spokesperson explains, "In such a situation, it can become life-threatening due to the current and the rising water in the car."

In several places near Augsburg, people are invited to leave their homes and flats as a result of the prevailing severe flooding. The situation is predicted to intensify in the northern part of the district during the evening, asserts a spokeswoman for the Augsburg district office. The municipalities of Batzenhofen, Gablingen, Langweid, Eisenbrechtshofen, Biberbach, Allmannshofen, and the entire municipality of Nordendorf are endangered. The Swabian authorities have organized a temporary refuge at the Augsburg fairgrounds.

19:48 Bundeswehr participates in flood relief efforts in Bavaria

Bundeswehr soldiers are supporting the flood situation in Bavaria. "The Bundeswehr is aiding the districts of Günzburg and Aichach-Friedberg, as both districts have submitted a formal request," stresses a spokesperson for the Bavarian Army Command to the radio station Antenne Bayern. "In the vicinity of Günzburg, they're handing out blankets and mattresses. In the Landkreis Aichach-Friedberg, around 50 female and male Bundeswehr soldiers are set to arrive in the next few hours. In addition, two trucks of the Bundeswehr are in use."

19:20: Minister Faeser approves additional aid for flood-stricken regions in southern Germany

Germany's Interior Minister Nancy Faeser pledged extra assistance to areas hit by recent flooding in the country's south. In a statement made in Berlin, Faeser, a member of the SPD, noted that the severe weather had prompted the deployment of more personnel from the Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) across the nation. "We'll continue to lend assistance to the affected states with all available resources," she added. At present, there were about 520 THW staff and volunteers on the ground, working to rescue people, patch up dikes, and pump water out of homes. The minister also voiced her gratitude to all volunteers currently assisting in the ongoing rescue efforts. Meanwhile, Faeser urged residents of the stricken regions in Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg to heed warnings and instructions from the authorities "seriously."

Live Updates:

18:58: Rescue efforts at Zugspitze completed

A total of 29 mountain climbers who got into trouble at Zugspitze were successfully rescued. They've been moved safely to the Gletscherrestaurant Sonnalpin at Zugspitzplatt, as per a statement from the mountain rescue. Several groups had issued distress calls, stopping short at approximately 2,500 meters above sea level, roughly 900 meters before the restaurant. Bad weather and new snow had complicated further progress. Mountain rescue personnel were en route, and the Zugspitzbahn employees had also dispatched snow groomers to find the climbers.

18:42: Severe thunderstorm alert for eastern Brandenburg

The German Weather Service (DWD) issued a severe weather warning for certain sections of Brandenburg. The regions of Dahme-Spreewald, Märkisch-Oderland, and Oder-Spree were under the second highest warning level, valid through the evening. Potential dangers included lightning strikes, falling trees or power lines, falling objects, rapid road flooding, landslides, or hail.

18:11: Motorway A3 near Regensburg partially closed

Around 10 km of the A3 motorway in Bavaria between Parsberg and Beratzhausen in both directions was closed due to heavy rain-driven flooding. "The water is pressing onto the motorway from the fields", a spokesperson for the Upper Palatinate police department said. The police, Autobahnmeisterei, fire department, and local authorities were all on the scene to help its residents. Traffic would be re-routed to avoid the affected portion of the motorway.

17:51: Memmingen prison evacuated

Prison authorities in Memmingen, Bavaria, were forced to evacuate their facility due to imminent flooding. As many as 150 inmates would be relocated to Landsberg, Kempten, and Augsburg temporarily. Local reports indicated the prison was at risk due to the swollen breast-high streams like the Memminger Ach, wreaking havoc on the area. The police arrived with several emergency vehicles in response to the rapidly rising waters, which threatened to cut electricity.

The helpers manage 400 bags per hour.

17:35: Extreme rain triggers Level 4 flood danger

The unprecedented rainfall generated several gauges in Swabia to reach Level 4, indicating high flood risks. In addition, Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate were witnessing large river swellings. The HND flood warning service reported level 4 at Neu-Ulm Bad Held (Danube), Hasberg (Mindel), Fleinhausen (Zusam), Fischach (Schmutter), and Kempten (Iller), with both Neu-Ulm and Kempten witnessing the potential for hundred-year floods. In Dasing (Paar), level 4 is also expected. The Regen in Cham, Upper Palatinate, is also at risk for such a disaster.

The Wiblingen (Iller) gauge is expected to rise to level 3 by Saturday or Sunday, with water levels already beginning to recede below level 3 in the lower Iller. Some northern Donau tributaries, such as the Wörnitz, Sulzach, Altmühl, Schwarze Laber, and Naab, exhibit individual levels 1 and 2 overflow and further rising tendencies. The water in Neu-Ulm to Kelheim is anticipated to reach level 3 by the end of the day, while Kelheim will see this during the evening. In the subsequent Donau section to Passau, increases to levels 1 and 2 are expected.

17:23: Munich Airport operations remain uninterrupted

Despite the ensuing heavy rainfall, Munich's airport was still operating without major setbacks. "We're maintaining flight operations as normal right now," a spokesperson for the airport said.

Despite the torrential rain in various parts of Bavaria, Munich Airport's procedures are functioning smoothly with no flights being canceled as of now. There are several reasons that contribute to this. According to airport spokesman Robert Wilhelm, "We notice water pooling near the runways," Wilhelm informed BR. The airport is built slightly elevated, and the runways are recessed towards the sides, facilitating water drainage. Additionally, the runways are grooved, allowing for quicker water runoff, eliminating the threat of aquaplaning, as shared by Wilhelm with the Bavarian broadcaster. The airport predicts no substantial complications for the remainder of the weekend.

17:07 Söder: "This is when things kick into high gear"

Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder surveyed the region experiencing the worst of the storm in Diedorf, Augsburg District. Söder acknowledged the crucial assistance provided by emergency services, including the fire department, Bavarian Red Cross, police, and Technical Relief Organization. He expressed dismay over the citizens' plight, emphasizing, "This is not over. Things are starting to get serious now." Further resources such as sandbags are being redirected to Swabia. Meanwhile, he commended the frontline responders' committed efforts. To the public, he urged, "Please adhere to the rules." Evacuation orders should not be ignored, and it is advised not to leave the cellar or try to drive out of the garage.

16:35 Disrupted railway operations in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria

Railway traffic has also been significantly impacted by the storms and flooding in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria. Deutsche Bahn representative confirmed multiple disturbances and cancellations in Southern Germany. Two ICE lines are particularly affected, as highlighted by a spokesperson. Travel is disrupted between Munich, Bregenz, and Zurich, with services halted for the entirety of Saturday. The line connecting Ulm and Augsburg is also facing unprecedented disruptions. More information regarding track closures, cancellations, and delays is provided on Deutsche Bahn's official website.

16:12 Flood warnings in Unterallgäu - Help can be indicated with a white cloth

The disaster situation has also affected Unterallgäu, a district in Bavaria. Communications networks in the hardest-hit municipality of Babenhausen have been compromised. Those in need of assistance who cannot make emergency calls should observe by hanging a white sheet or cloth from the window. In Babenhausen, residents are currently being evacuated from their homes with the use of inflatable boats.

15:57 400 relief workers in action in South Germany

400 members of the Technical Relief Organization (THW) are engaged in providing aid across South Germany instances of heavy rainfall and flooding. THW from Bonn has disclosed this information. Their primary job is to pump water, shield reservoirs, and evacuate locals. The THW implores additional THW forces as the rain shows no sign of relenting. Mobile water level gauges will be installed and monitored at the at-risk areas, THW communicated. The THW is also prepared to deploy more personnel in the coming hours to work across Germany. Each relief group consists of roughly 40 THW members, who control three sewage pumping stations, a generator, a reconnaissance vehicle, and a management center. These teams can pump up to 30,000 liters of water per minute.

15:37 Comprehensive map of all current flood warnings

This interactive map displays the current flood alerts. The information is periodically updated.

15:15 Large scale mountain climbing group stranded underground below Zugspitze

A party of 26 mountain climbers is reportedly trapped several hundred meters below the peak of the Zugspitze. The BR reported that over 60 centimeters of new snow blanketed the Zugspitze within a few hours, while continuous rain has lashed the valley. The temperature remains below freezing with visibility standing at approximately 100 meters. Multiple rescue parties have been dispatched to locate the climbers through the stormy conditions. The stranded group is tiring and ill-equipped, and it is unknown why they undertook the climb despite the foreboding weather.

14:52 Donau-Ries District announces disaster situation

The Donau-Ries District in Bavaria has declared a disaster situation. This step is intended to "bring every available resource together and streamline our preparation efforts" according to District Administrator Stefan Roßle in a statement. "It's crucial to stay calm and avoid low-lying areas for now.

Augustburg's Swabian district has experienced a dike and dam breach. The report comes from the district administration. Residents living in certain neighborhoods in Diedorf must now evacuate their homes. Evacuation procedures are underway in Diedorf's Anhausen district. The situation is dire and moving to higher floors no longer suffices. A dam has collapsed in Burgwalden and a dike at the Anhauser Weiher reservoir has been breached. All those affected should independently evacuate their homes and head to the Diedorf Schmuttertalhalle within the next hour. Officials suggest avoiding railway embankments as floods may occur. The rescue team has warned of a threat to life.

Söder and Herrmann visit the flood site

CSU party members Markus Söder, Minister President of Bavaria, and Joachim Herrmann, Interior Minister, will visit the flood-stricken region of Augsburg in the Swabian district on Saturday. This was announced by the Interior Ministry. The two politicians wish to experience the flood situation firsthand in Diedorf alongside District Administrator Martin Sailer. Their location of visit changed abruptly due to the current circumstances. Earlier, they had planned on visiting flooded Fischach but now, evacuation preparations for the residents of Diedorf are underway. In this district, the flood crisis remains critical. After the Landkreis Günzburg, the Landkreise Augsburg and Aichach-Friedberg have now also declared an emergency disaster situation.

Babenhausen residents are rescued with rubber dinghies.

Meckenbeuren's flood situation still highly risky

The flood levels in Meckenbeuren's Schussen river continue to increase. At midday, the river measured 4.72 meters. It is expected that the peak will be reached soon. When the last flood occurred in 2021, the river was at 4.50 meters. Typically, it only holds 45 centimeters of water. Evacuation orders were given on Friday evening to approximately 1300 residents of the town. Many of them sought refuge with family or friends. A small number used available shelters. To avert potential flooding damage, schools, kindergartens and other venues were emptied earlier. In this 14,000-inhabitant community, bridges were shut down for precautionary safety measures.

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