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Alleged fraud with Corona-Test-Centers - Arrest Warrant

During the pandemic, the need for Corona-Testing centers was sometimes great. The operator of two such facilities is suspected of having exploited this for comprehensive fraud.

The operator of two Corona-test centers in Schweinfurt is suspected of having defrauded...
The operator of two Corona-test centers in Schweinfurt is suspected of having defrauded significantly in billing for services (picture symbol)

Criminality - Alleged fraud with Corona-Test-Centers - Arrest Warrant

A former operator of two Corona-Testing Centers in Schweinfurt, Unterfranken, has come into custody on suspicion of fraud. A remand judge issued a warrant for the arrest of the man, who is now homeless, following his arrest on the previous Friday, according to a spokesperson for the Bavarian Central Office for Combating Fraud and Corruption in Healthcare. The office is located at the Prosecutor General's Office in Nuremberg.

The accused is suspected of operating two Corona-Testing Stations between mid-February 2022 and early January 2023 and charging significantly more tests to the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Bayerns (KVB) than he actually conducted. In this period, the man is said to have billed and received approximately 230,000 Euro in payments. Alone in October 2022, the KVB allegedly suffered a loss of around 32,000 Euro. The damage for further months cannot be determined at this time, according to the information available.

The charge is fraud and attempted fraud in an undetermined number of cases.

During a search, investigators reportedly secured documents and storage media, which are now being reviewed and evaluated. The warrant was issued due to flight risk. The investigations were initiated following a billing review by the Unterfranken government.

  1. The alleged fraudulent activities occurred in two Corona-Testing Stations located in Bavaria, specifically in Unterfranken.
  2. Following his arrest, the suspect faced charges of fraud and attempted fraud, which could potentially span over multiple cases.
  3. The accused individual, who hails from Swabia Fort, was initially arrested in Lower Franconia and is now being held in custody.
  4. The conspiracy involved overcharging the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Bayerns (KVB) for a substantial amount, estimated to be around 230,000 Euro, for tests not actually conducted.
  5. The suspect's malicious activities reportedly resulted in a significant loss for the KVB in October 2022 alone, amounting to approximately 32,000 Euro.
  6. The investigations into the arrest warrant were prompted by a thorough billing review conducted by the Unterfranken government, uncovering signs of potential criminality and corruption.
  7. The search conducted by investigators yielded crucial evidence, including documents and storage media, that could help elucidate the extent of the fraudulent activities in the healthcare sector amidst the Coronavirus pandemic.

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