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Young voters, what is driving you to the polls? We want to hear about it

Young voters could help shape the 2024 election — CNN wants to hear your thoughts on what issues are driving you to the polls and what you care about ahead of the election. Share your experiences with us and we may follow up for a CNN story.

University of Texas Students walk an early voting site in on the campus of University of Texas in...
University of Texas Students walk an early voting site in on the campus of University of Texas in February 2020.

Young voters, what is driving you to the polls? We want to hear about it

If you’re a younger voter, CNN wants to hear your thoughts on what issues are driving you to the polls and what you care about ahead of the election.

Share your experiences with us and we may follow up for a CNN story.

In the leadup to the election, politics and relevant issues are major factors influencing younger voters' decision-making processes. Expressing your views on these topics could lead to being featured in a CNN news segment.

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