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Wolf "Gloria" may not be shot for the time being

According to a court ruling, the so-called problem wolf "Gloria" may not be shot for the time being. The Düsseldorf Administrative Court ruled on Thursday that this applies until its decision on the urgent applications by the Society for the Protection of Wolves and the environmental...

A wolf runs through an outdoor enclosure.
A wolf runs through an outdoor enclosure.

Düsseldorf Administrative Court - Wolf "Gloria" may not be shot for the time being

According to a court ruling, the so-called problem wolf "Gloria" may not be shot for the time being. The Düsseldorf Administrative Court ruled on Thursday that this applies until its decision on the urgent applications by the Society for the Protection of Wolves and the environmental organization BUND NRW. The interim orders are intended to prevent a fait accompli.

The court pointed out that, on the one hand, it was a matter of protecting a strictly protected species and, on the other, of preventing serious damage to agriculture. A decision on the urgent applications themselves will be made next week. An appeal against the decisions can be lodged with the NRW Higher Administrative Court in Münster.

According to the court, the urgent applications and lawsuits filed by the two applicants are directed against the general ruling by the district of Wesel. On Wednesday, the district issued a special permit for the removal of the she-wolf with the official identification number GW954f. She had repeatedly scaled high fences in the Lower Rhine region and killed animals.

In the view of BUND NRW, which wants to prevent the shooting of "Gloria" in court, the district's decision is flawed and insufficiently justified on several points. For example, not enough attention was paid to the fact that the she-wolf is the only reproducing animal in the region and that shooting her would therefore endanger the population, explained BUND NRW on Thursday.

Press release BUND Press release court

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