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Various political factions are convening – CDU proposing a dialogue session.

Following the voting process, coalition formation is underway within the state legislature. Progressively, the emerging political groups are being structured. By no later than thirty days post-election, the state parliament must be operational.

The main chamber of the Saxon state legislature. (Historical image)
The main chamber of the Saxon state legislature. (Historical image)

- Various political factions are convening – CDU proposing a dialogue session.

The fresh Saxon legislative body is taking form. On a Wednesday, the initial factions are set to materialize - the CDU and SPD. The CDU will now show up with 41 representatives, a decrease of four from the beginning of the prior term. A CDU member later departed from the group. The SPD steps into this legislative period with ten members, the same as in the previous one.

The Green party's group is aimed to shape up on the 17th of September. Moreover, the leadership is anticipated to be elected on this day. Presently, the Greens are represented by seven members, a decrease from twelve previously.

The Left party plans to establish their group on the 24th of September. The delayed date is due to party leader Susanne Schaper embarking on a long-planned humanitarian mission in Vietnam on that day. This veteran nurse has been actively involved in Southeast Asia for years. The Left party currently has only six members in the 8th Saxon legislative body, a decrease from 14 in the last term.

Only the AfD and the Alliance for Progress and Social Justice (APB), making its Saxon election debut and sending 15 members to the parliament immediately, can tout personnel gains. Neither the APB nor the AfD have set a date yet for their group formation. The AfD, now represented by 40 members rather than the previous 38, saw four members depart during the legislative period.

CDU politician Marko Schiemann now boasts the longest tenure in the parliament.

Following the resignation of State Parliament President Matthias Roessler and his deputy Andrea Dombois (both CDU), there is now only one individual who has been a parliament member uninterrupted since 1990. The CDU politician from Bautzen, Marko Schiemann, is considered a key figure in the drafting of the Saxon constitution. He previously served as the CDU faction's spokesperson on legal affairs and more recently dealt with European affairs.

The CDU has commenced initial forays to identify common ground with other parties for a coalition government. On Monday evening, the state executive approved talks with the APB, SPD, and Greens. Cooperation with the AfD and the Left party is off the table due to unsuitability resolutions, making official collaboration impossible.

Women are significantly underrepresented in the Saxon legislative body, with only seven Green party members and six Left party members being women. Despite the CDU and SPD having representatives in the legislative body, there are no mentioned women leaders or key figures from these parties in the given text.

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