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U.S. to temporarily deconstruct Gaza's humanitarian pier due to anticipated rough seas, according to sources.

American military authorities plan to temporarily remove the humanitarian pier they erected off Gaza's shore and ship it back to Israel on Friday evening, citing fears that rough waves may damage it once again soon after resuming assistance distribution, according to several sources.

In this handout
In this handout

U.S. to temporarily deconstruct Gaza's humanitarian pier due to anticipated rough seas, according to sources.

The pier and causeway system, known as Joint Logistics over the Shore (JLOTS), will have to be shifted back to the Israeli port of Ashdod for a second time in a short span. According to a US official, this is a preventive action.

On Friday, the pier was functional for a whole day as humanitarian aid deliveries took place. The official further mentioned that the pier will be detached and towed to Ashdod by late night local time.

The pier has been struggling with issues. Earlier this month, it got damaged due to heavy seas and had to be towed to Ashdod for over a week of repairs. Since then, it was moved back to Gaza and resumed operations on Saturday. However, it had to stop again due to unfavorable weather conditions on Monday and Tuesday.

CNN shared on Thursday that the US military is mulling over the idea of dismantling the pier completely.

The story is currently developing, so stay tuned for updates.

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The pier will be detached and towed to the Israeli port of Ashdod again as a precautionary measure due to anticipated rough seas. CNN reported that the US military is considering dismantling the pier completely if the weather conditions continue to be unfavorable.



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