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Title favorites van Gerwen and Smith make clear progress in World Darts Championship

Michael van Gerwen is chasing his fourth World Championship title. The darts star has shone so far. But he could soon be up against some particularly ambitious local heroes.

Michael van Gerwen defeated his compatriot Richard Veenstra 4:0.
Michael van Gerwen defeated his compatriot Richard Veenstra 4:0.

Tournament in London - Title favorites van Gerwen and Smith make clear progress in World Darts Championship

Dutch darts star Michael van Gerwen and reigning champion Michael Smith have notched up another win at the World Championships in London. In a clear 4-0 win, Mighty Mike, as van Gerwen is known, gave his compatriot Richard Veenstra no chance at all.

Van Gerwen, who had won the tournament at Alexandra Palace in 2014, 2017 and 2019, took the first match dart at double five. Smith then defeated the Latvian Madars Razma 4:1.

Much tougher tests could await van Gerwen from the round of 16 onwards. England's co-favorite Stephen Bunting, who faces Florian Hempel on Thursday (13:30), is a potential opponent in the round of 16. "Bring me Bunting. If you want the title, you have to beat everyone," said van Gerwen on stage in a TV interview.

In the semi-finals, the Dutchman could face the top favorite Luke Humphries from England. Van Gerwen against Humphries is being talked about as the early final in London. Smith lost the first set against outsider Razma, but then improved considerably and won clearly. Other favorites such as Peter Wright (Scotland) and Nathan Aspinall (England) were already eliminated before Christmas.

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