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Thought: The modest deed of compassion that will eternally resonate with me regarding Alice Stewart

Doug Heye reflects on his close friend Alice Stewart, highlighting a unique trait that set her apart.

Alice Stewart
Alice Stewart

Thought: The modest deed of compassion that will eternally resonate with me regarding Alice Stewart

Instead, we caught up on life, discussing our shared interest in running, including her planned marathons and the Spartan race I had registered for. Parting ways, she said, "We don't do this often enough. Let's do it again soon."

I encountered her multiple times following that, always in the CNN green room, where guests gather prior to their television appearances. Conversations in these spaces tend to be positive, despite today's divisive politics. However, these encounters are brief. The urgency to prepare for on-air segments typically precludes lengthy conversations.

I've spent countless moments in the green room alongside Alice; the vast majority were only five to ten minutes long, just enough for a casual "it's good to see you" before moving on, even if we were about to share the same set. In all my encounters with her, even when passions flared on set, Alice remained an exemplar of composure and kindness to others.

Yet, she was more than that. Alice displayed intentional kindness.

Upon witnessing a Twitter rant of mine (now defunct) concerning a canceled flight, she emailed to inquire about my Thanksgiving plans and informed me that I was welcome to join her dinner preparation. It was a small gesture but spoke volumes about her nature.

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  • Follow us on Twitter and FacebookI was shocked when I learned of the heartbreaking news on Saturday regarding Alice's unexpected passing—at the age of 58, and despite her emphasis on wellness. However, my initial thoughts weren't about her remarkable career or her extensive political history or our numerous on-screen partnerships.

I thought about that small deed of support and generosity, reaching out to a friend potentially in need. Everyone who knew Alice—and processing her passing is a challenge for us all—likely possesses a similar experience. Ultimately, it's the empathy and kindness that we've lost and will miss most.

The sudden, tragic loss of Alice calls for reminders that are unfortunately unnecessary. Reach out to your friends and loved ones to convey your care. Spend additional time with them. Ultimately, it's a reminder about the power of small acts of kindness that endure beyond us.

Douglas Heye

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In the flurry of CNN green room conversations, Alice's considerate emails stood out, such as the one offering to help with Thanksgiving plans during a flight cancellation rant. This thoughtful gesture exemplified Alice's inclination towards offering support and sharing kindness, highlighting her unique opinions on empathy and connection.

Admiring Alice's kindness inspired me to follow her example in reaching out to friends and offering help, showing that small acts of kindness can endure and have a lasting impact.


