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The Youth Wing of Green Party in North Rhine-Westphalia is Disintegrating

The Green Party's young advocates exhibit considerable ideological distance from the political...
The Green Party's young advocates exhibit considerable ideological distance from the political stance of the Greens within the traffic light government coalition.

The Youth Wing of Green Party in North Rhine-Westphalia is Disintegrating

"No progressive politics, too many compromise concessions" - the statements from the top of the Greens Youth in North Rhine-Westphalia mirror those of the departed federal council. As a result, the eight members of their committee are also bailing out from the party collectively.

The Greens Youth in North Rhine-Westphalia is mimicking the actions of the federal council and exiting the party. In a written communique, the eight officials leading the state division of the Greens Youth organization announced their mass withdrawal from the party. State representative Vivianne Schwedersky explained the decision based on ideological disparities: "The Green Party is not pushing for the progressive politics it should - they frequently opt for subpar compromises."

"Instead of a compassionate asylum policy, we are witnessing a significant tilt towards the right, which the Greens are helping along," Schwedersky contested. "Regardless of whether they do this reluctantly or not, it doesn't alter the political impact." She also denounced lapses in areas related to redistribution, climate change mitigation, and social security assistance. "We have no intention of continuing to serve as a mere symbol for a policy that we oppose."

On Thursday, the federal council of the Greens Youth resigned en masse. The council members justified their actions due to content-related dissatisfaction - much like the North Rhine-Westphalia state association now. Subsequently, chairpersons in other state associations like Bavaria and Lower Saxony have stepped down.

However, the state board of the Greens Youth in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania took a different approach on Saturday. "We share the content-related criticism of the Green Party's politics," declared state representative Henriette Held. "Nevertheless, we have no intention of resigning or abandoning the party: 'We will complete our term in office as planned.'"

The Greens Youth was established in 1994, roughly a year following the union of the Greens with Alliance 90. Presently, approximately 16,000 members are affiliated across 16 state associations. Typically, membership concludes at the age of 28.

The Green Group, a part of the Greens Youth in North Rhine-Westphalia, aligns with the domestic council's sentiments and is considering leaving the party due to their concern about insufficient progressive politics and excessive compromise concessions. The Green Group, led by state representative Vivianne Schwedersky, is disappointed with the shift towards conservative asylum policies and inadequate attention to issues like redistribution, climate change mitigation, and social security assistance.

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