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The Parliament of Europe has endorsed the Commission's suggestion for a legislative decree focusing on the safeguard of the environment.

In the course of his campaign, Linnemann actively engaged in both federal territories.
In the course of his campaign, Linnemann actively engaged in both federal territories.

The Parliament of Europe has endorsed the Commission's suggestion for a legislative decree focusing on the safeguard of the environment.

18:23 Chrupalla on Thuringia: "EvenStevens with the CDU"AFD party leader Tino Chrupalla deems his party's performance as extraordinary, indicating a shift in voter sentiment across both regions. He talks to ZDF, asserting that the AFD is open to discussing with all parties. "In Saxony, we're even with the CDU," he mentions, adding that the AFD aims to govern for the betterment of Saxony.

18:17 CDU Secretary-General: No Alliance with AFDCDU Secretary-General Carsten Linnemann sanctions any alliances with the AFD in Thuringia or Saxony. "We're firm on that," he says on ARD. The CDU will now shape governments from the heart of parliament, he assures, expressing confidence in their victory. He views the CDU as the last surviving people's party, acting as a "barrier" against the punishment of the traffic light parties.

18:13 Prediction for Saxony: CDU Slightly Ahead of AF, BSW at 12%, Greens UneasyThe initial forecast for the Saxony state election suggests the CDU leading with 31.5% of the vote, just ahead of the AF with 30%. BSW ranks as the third strongest force with 12%, while the SPD remains in the state parliament with 8.5%. The Greens hover around the 5.5% mark, barely securing a spot in the state parliament. The Left and the FDP are out.

18:10 Forecast for Thuringia: AF Ahead of CDU, BSW at 16%The initial forecast for the Thuringia state election points to a significant lead for the AF with 30.5% of the vote, followed closely by the CDU at 24.5%. The Left is at 12.5%, the SPD at 7%, and BSW secures a position in the state parliament with 16%. The Greens and the FDP fall short of the 5% threshold.

18:01 AF Strongest in Thuringia, BSW in Double Digits in SaxonyThe initial forecast after the Thuringia state election shows the AF as the dominant force, with the SPD clearing the 5% barrier. The Greens and the FDP fail to meet the mark. In Saxony, the BSW achieves a double-digit result for the first time. The CDU is only slightly ahead of the AF. The Left and the FDP would not make it into the state parliament, while the Greens would.

17:18 Höcke's Seat in Uncertainty for State ParliamentAFD faction leader in Thuringia, Björn Höcke, may not secure a place in the future state parliament. Surprisingly, his successful party comrades could jeopardize his candidacy. Many AF candidates running in constituencies have strong chances of winning direct mandates. However, not Höcke - he faces stiff competition from CDU candidate Christian Tischner in his constituency of Greiz II. If Tischner wins and the AF gains more direct mandates than entitled, no one can enter the state parliament via the state list, not even Höcke, top of the list. In such a situation, the AF could try persuading a successful direct candidate to relinquish their state parliament seat, allowing Höcke to secure his mandate.

In the course of his campaign, Linnemann actively engaged in both federal territories.

16:48 AF Thuringia Plans to Celebrate Without Media CoverageThere's a strong possibility that there will be no media coverage of the AFD's election party in Thuringia. Classified as right-wing extremist by the constitutional protection agency, the party attempted to exclude several media outlets from the event. However, a court blocked this, so the state party excluded the entire press. A party spokesman cited logistical limitations: The event location does not have space for all the media representatives who requested accreditation.

16:29 Around a Quarter Voted by Mail in SaxonyFor Saxony's CDU Minister President Michael Kretschmer, who called the election "a pivotal moment" for the state, approximately a quarter of eligible voters have already cast their ballots by mail. The state election supervisor expects 24.6% of voters to have voted by mail. At early afternoon, the turnout was only slightly higher than in 2019.

15:52 Höcke Casts His Vote in Lada - Ramelow with WifeThuringia's AF state leader and top candidate voted in the morning. The 52-year-old arrived at his polling station in a Lada Niva, a Russian-made off-road vehicle. Höcke voted in Bornhagen, Eichsfeld district. Minister President Bodo Ramelow voted in Erfurt, accompanied by his wife Germana Alberti vom Hofe. The 68-year-old has been the head of government in the Free State since 2014, leading a minority coalition.

15:40 Turnout Higher than Last Time in ThuringiaIn Thuringia, 44.4% of voters had cast their ballots by 2:00 PM, an increase of more than two points compared to the election five years ago. This suggests a high turnout. Mail-in voters are not yet factored into this figure, according to the state election supervisor. In Saxony, the turnout was also higher than in 2019, albeit only slightly. However, the election supervisor expects significantly more mail-in voters than in 2019. The polling stations in both states will close at 6:00 PM.

15:13 "Kretschmer Anticipates, Traffic Light Coalition Might Enter State Parliament"

The Leading Figure of the AfD Faction, Björn Höcke, Attends the Concluding Event of the Electoral Campaign

14:40 Pivotal Issues in Saxony and ThuringiaA significant portion of residents in Saxony and Thuringia, approximately 30%, are considering voting for the AfD in the upcoming September 1 elections. A comprehensive survey sheds light on the rationale behind this trend, revealing the primary concerns and challenges. Migration is merely one of the concerns.

14:13 Höcke Accelerates Voting Process at Thuringia Polling StationAt the Thuringia state elections, the AfD's leading candidate, Björn Höcke, cast his ballot around midday. The prominent right-wing figure did not linger long at the Bornhagen polling station and declined to engage with journalists present at the scene. Previously, Höcke consistently fell short in his hometown constituency of Eichsfeld against the CDU candidate, resulting in a switch to the Greiz constituency for this election. Nevertheless, he appears to be on track for another loss against the CDU there.

13:50 Voting Participation in Thuringia Equal to 2019 Levels by MiddayIn Thuringia, voter turnout appears to mirror the previous parliamentary election. According to the election commission, around 32% of eligible voters had cast their ballots in person by noon. Mail-in voters are not yet included in these figures, but around 32.4% of eligible voters are anticipated to utilize this option, exceeding the 2019 rate of 24.6%. The elections have proceeded without any reported issues.

13:29 High Voter Turnout Projected in SaxonyIn Saxony, a substantial voter turnout is forecasted for the state election. By midday, 25.8% of eligible voters had submitted their ballots, according to the Statistical State Office in Kamenz. In 2019, the figure was 26.2% at the same time. It's estimated that just under 25% of eligible voters will opt for mail-in voting, a rise from the previous 16.9%. The elections have been carried out smoothly, with no known problems reported.

13:11 Lucke Predicts Potential Fallout from Election ResultsThe outcomes of the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia are yet to be confirmed. If the SPD fails to secure a position in the state parliament, it would constitute "almost a seismic event," according to political analyst Albrecht von Lucke. In an interview with ntv, he examines the election and its possible implications.

12:44 Police Investigate Threat at Polling Station in GeraFollowing an incident at a polling station in Gera, police are investigating a threat. A man wearing an AfD T-shirt visited the polling station to vote in the morning. The polling station manager requested him to remove the shirt due to the ban on party promotion. The man conceded but threatened to return, expressing dissatisfaction with his treatment. The police took statements and cautioned the man. Furthermore, police in Erfurt are investigating graffiti ("Höcke is a Nazi") near polling stations as instances of vandalism.

12:15 Correctiv Warns Against Spread of MisinformationThe research network Correctiv alerts the public against a recurring misconception that signing the ballot aids in preventing vote fraud. The Federal Returning Officer's office confirmed to Correctiv that "the ballot paper must not be signed. Signing the ballot paper by the voter jeopardizes ballot secrecy, making the entire ballot paper invalid."

11:51 Voigt Hopes for "Stable Majority Relations"Thuringia's lead CDU candidate Mario Voigt has now cast his vote. He expressed gratitude to those who "chose differently" in the past but have now opted for the "strong force in the political center," namely the Saxon Union. "This mentality will facilitate the formation of a government that serves this state," Voigt continued. In recent polls, his CDU has been locked in a close race with the AfD.

11:25 Sonneberg Witnesses Surge in Right-Wing Extremist ActionsSonneberg is the first district in Germany to be led by an AfD politician. Activists claim to be experiencing a flood of threats - consequently, several have ceased their activities. The number of right-wing extremist incidents has also more than doubled over the past year. Experts attribute this escalation to the AfD district administrator.

10:57 Kretschmer Expresses Optimism at Polling StationSaxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer characterized the state election as "probably the most significant election in 34 years." While casting his vote in Dresden, he expressed gratitude to numerous individuals who had "voted differently" in the past but have now chosen the "powerful force in the civil center," namely the Saxon Union. "This mindset will allow for a government formation that serves this region," Kretschmer concluded. According to recent polls, his CDU is closely matched with the AfD.

10:30 Ramelow Discounts Wagenknecht's Ballot RecommendationFor Thuringia's Minister President Bodo Ramelow, election day signified "a celebration of democracy" - even if there was a possibility he would not be re-elected. In an ntv interview, the Left Party politician explained why he would not endorse a minority government and why he harbored doubts about the BSW's competence.

09:59 Historian Unfavorable towards Election DateA renowned historian voiced his displeasure over the election date, stating that the occasion did not provide a "good feeling for history."

Historian Peter Oliver Loew denounces the scheduling of the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia on September 1st, coinciding with the 85th anniversary of Germany's invasion of Poland in 1939. Loew, head of the German Polish Institute, voiced his disapproval to Redaktionsnetz Deutschland (RND), commenting, "Only someone lacking in historical sensitivity could have thought that was a good idea." Referencing the extremist-right AfD party, classified as such by both states' domestic intelligence services, Loew warned, "It's not nice to see a party with questionable ties to the Nazi era potentially gaining power in Dresden and Erfurt."

09:30 "High-stakes election": All the stats for Saxony's state election

Approximately 3.3 million eligible voters in Saxony will decide today who controls the direction of the Dresden state parliament moving forward. The CDU risking their first loss of dominance since 1990, Saxony's Minister President Michael Kretschmer labels this election as "mission-critical." "Everything is on the line here," he stated.

09:05 Kretschmer levels "panic mode ahead of election" accusations at traffic light coalition

Today is election day in Saxony. Will Michael Kretschmer extend the CDU's winning streak in the state? In a ntv interview, he addressed his stance on immigration, the traffic light government, and the Ukraine conflict.

08:24 Could the AfD subvert democracy?

Surveys indicate the AfD could substantially boost its influence during the upcoming elections in Saxony and Thuringia. This may pose a threat to democratic institutions, as researchers have pointed out. Our understanding of the rule of law might be overestimated.

08:00 Polling stations open in Thuringia and Saxony

Kretschmer and his spouse, Annett Hofmann, casting their ballots in Dresden.

Today, new state assemblies will be elected in Thuringia and Saxony. In the polls, the AfD is dominating in Thuringia. In Saxony, the CDU led by incumbent Minister President Michael Kretschmer and the AfD are neck-and-neck. Initial projections will be released once polling stations close at 6 pm. These elections in eastern Germany serve as a gauge for Berlin's traffic light coalition.

For the Thuringian red-red-green coalition governing under the leadership of Minister President Bodo Ramelow (Left), no majorities emerge in the polls. A potential coalition comprised of the CDU, Sahra Wagenknecht's alliance (BSW), and the SPD is a possibility following the election. In Saxony, the survival of the current coalition comprised of the CDU, SPD, and Greens remains uncertain. Kretschmer declines to rule out an alliance with the BSW. The Left party faces the possibility of being expelled from the parliament in Saxony. A similar fate may befall the Greens and FDP in Thuringia.

The Green Group could potentially be part of the coalition discussions after the Saxony state election, as the initial forecast suggests a tight race between the CDU and the AF.

In the Thuringia state election forecast, the Green Party falls short of the 5% threshold, which could limit their involvement in any potential coalition negotiations.

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