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The mandate from Kamala Harris’ camp: Stay the course, dispel Biden replacement theories

Vice President Kamala Harris’ camp is digging in and dismissing calls for her to replace President Joe Biden on the ticket amid escalating calls for Biden to step aside and new polling showing the vice president outpacing Biden in a hypothetical race against Donald Trump.

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris take the stage at a campaign rally at Girard...
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris take the stage at a campaign rally at Girard College on May 29, 2024 in Philadelphia.

The mandate from Kamala Harris’ camp: Stay the course, dispel Biden replacement theories

The mandate among Harris campaign staff is to remain firm, stay in line and keep the focus on the Biden-Harris ticket, one source told CNN. The vice president’s staff received similar guidance in a virtual staff meeting Monday to follow the vice president’s lead and keep heads down, another source told CNN.

The internal marching orders echo the message Harris is taking on the trail. On Tuesday, Harris again batted down the idea of running in Biden’s place during a brief interview with CBS.

“Look, Joe Biden is our nominee. We beat Trump once and we’re going to beat him again, period,” she said.

“I am proud to be Joe Biden’s running mate,” she later added.

The latest CNN poll conducted following last week’s debate shows Harris within striking distance of Trump in a hypothetical matchup: 47% of registered voters support Trump and 45% Harris, a result within the margin of error that suggests there is no clear leader under such a scenario.

Former Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan publicly called on Democrats to replace Biden with Harris.

“We talk about President Biden’s administration being the most successful administration in modern history. We brag about that. She was in the room. She was right there, three-and-a-half years, went through the campaign with him,” Ryan told CNN’s Jake Tapper Tuesday.

“I think she would be able to talk about that much clearer than the president would be able to,” Ryan added, referring to the administration’s record. “I think she would absolutely juice up the Democratic base.”

In the immediate fallout from the debate, Harris’ staff made phone calls to check in with Democratic officials, trying to reassure them, remind them of Biden’s record and agenda and call on them to remain united, CNN previously reported.

Sources close to the vice president have repeatedly maintained that she is fiercely loyal to Biden, arguing that her public statements since last week’s CNN-hosted presidential debate reflect where she is.

“Some just don’t understand the rules, some are stirring the pot and some have their own agenda,” one source close to Harris said, when asked about calls for Harris to replace Biden on the ticket. “But for her, there is one plan and focus and it starts with Joe Biden and this country.”

Biden and Harris are scheduled to have lunch at the White House on Wednesday. The two have spoken multiple times since Thursday’s debate, two sources familiar with the conversations said.

The ongoing discussions about potential leadership shifts in politics have not fazed Kamala Harris and her team. They remain committed to supporting the Biden-Harris ticket, emphasizing the importance of unity and focusing on their shared objectives.

Amidst these political debates, Harris continues to reiterate her loyalty to Joe Biden, underscoring their shared achievements and the importance of maintaining unity within the Democratic party.

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