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The Israeli military asserted strikes on various locations in Lebanon, targeting alleged Hezbollah weapons depots.

The Israeli militarydeclared that it carried out several airstrikes targeted at Hezbollah's "arms depots" situated throughout Lebanon on a Saturday.

The Israeli military asserted strikes on various locations in Lebanon, targeting alleged Hezbollah weapons depots.

A strike on the edge of Al-Kawakh town, situated in the Baalbek-Hermel governorate, led to injuries for four individuals, including three minors, as per the Lebanese health department's declaration. According to them, all the injured individuals required hospitalization.

Furthermore, a strike in Sareen town, also in Baalbek, hit empty shops, reported the Lebanese news agency, NNA.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) acknowledged conducting strikes in the Beqaa and Baalbek regions, clarifying that they targeted Hezbollah's weapon storage facilities.

They also acknowledged targeting Hezbollah's weapon storage facilities in seven other locations in Lebanon's south.

Following a sequence of 55 projectiles being launched from Lebanese territories into Israel, primarily aimed at the Upper Galilee and Galilee areas, earlier in the morning on Saturday, the IDF confirmed this event.

Hailing from a group backed by Iran, Hezbollah allegedly launched shells towards Yiftach Eliklit, a military brigade headquarters northwest of Lake Tiberias, utilizing "dozens of Katyusha rockets."

Additionally, it was reported that Hezbollah launched multiple attacks on northern Israel through the usage of rockets and drones, targeting Israeli military sites. They justified these actions as steps to support "our resilient Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip and their courageous resistance."

Since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza after the October 7 attack, there has been near-daily exchange of gunfire along the Israel-Lebanon border.

This report included contributions from CNN’s Benjamin Brown and Eyad Kourdi.

The global community expressed concern over the escalating tensions in the Middle East, particularly between Israel and Lebanon. Heatmaps showing the impact of these strikes indicated that several areas in the world, including the Middle East, were affected.

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