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The German pharmaceutical sector faces a potential severe scarcity of proficient workforce.

The German pharmaceutical sector faces a potential severe scarcity of proficient workforce.

"The German pharmaceutical sector struggles with a substantial talent vacuum, as per a report. By 2034, approximately 40,000 vacancies will surface owing to retirement-related factors, the findings of industry body vfa, revealed on Friday indicate. This equates to approximately a quarter of all jobs, despite the sector boasting a relatively youthful workforce."

"According to vfa's chief economist Claus Michelsen, "skills shortages present one of the most significant hurdles for the pharmaceutical industry and the overall economy." He further adds, "Without strategic interventions, there's a concern of a potential drop in innovation in this crucial sector for Germany's economy." The maturing population is also mirrored in the workforce: 5.8 million individuals are 60 years old or above. A notable chunk of them is projected to retire within the next five years, creating substantial vacancies."

The report puts forth various prospective remedies to tackle this predicament. Approximately 12 million people in Germany opt for part-time employment, usually due to family care or support commitments. An estimated three-quarters of them are ready to extend their working hours under improved conditions. Additionally, there are around three million individuals not employed but eager to join the workforce. Flexible work schedules, enhanced childcare arrangements, and tailored education programs could potentially assist, suggests the association."

The report suggests that the shortage of skilled workers in the German pharmaceutical sector, expected to reach 40,000 vacancies by 2034 due to retirements, could hinder innovation within the industry. To address this issue, the association proposes considerations such as offering flexible work schedules, improving childcare arrangements, and providing tailored education programs to encourage the employment of the three million eager but currently unemployed individuals.

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