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The death came at 2 am: Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh dies in Tehran

To some, he was a 'symbol of resistance', to most, a terrorist. Now, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh has been killed by a rocket in Tehran. What is the reaction in the Middle East?

Middle East conflict - The death came at 2 am: Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh dies in Tehran

In April, three of his sons and three grandchildren died in an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip. Ismail Haniyeh commented on the loss coldly, stating they had died as "martyrs of Palestine" in the fight against Israel. Now, four months later, a quote from Haniyeh is circulating on relevant Telegram channels: The responsibility for the Palestinian cause is heavy, but he is ready to bear it as a "martyr of Palestine".

Rocket hit at 2 AM

The self-aggrandizing interview excerpt is not circulating online without cause. Apparently, Ismail Haniyeh, head of the Hamas political bureau, was killed in a drone strike in Tehran. According to a Saudi Arabian newspaper, a guided missile hit Haniyeh's residence at 2 AM local time - a residence for war veterans.

Ismail Haniyeh is the highest-ranking Hamas member to be killed since the terror attacks of October 7. Israel had explicitly announced its intention to eliminate him and other leaders. The 62-year-old was born in the Gaza Strip and won the last election there as Hamas' top candidate in 2006. Haniyeh lived luxuriously in Qatar in recent years. Reports suggest he had a billion-dollar fortune.

Hamas leader Haniyeh was in Iran for inauguration

In Tehran, the Hamas leader attended the inauguration of Iranian President Massoud Pezeshkian. He was among 85 international guests.

Who is behind the attack is still unclear, but everything points to Israel - no one in Tel Aviv has commented on his death yet.

The first reactions from the Middle East are sharp:

  • Iran condemns the attack in the strongest terms: "The pure blood of the holy and honorable warrior Ismail Haniyah has undoubtedly not been shed in vain," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani. Iranian President Massoud Peschkian said the Iran would ensure that "the terrorist occupiers would regret their cowardly act." Israel is also referred to as an occupier of Palestinian territories in Iran.
  • Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who holds sway in the West Bank, condemns the killing of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyah in Tehran. This is reported by the Palestinian news agency Wafa. The factions in the Palestinian territory are calling for a general strike and mass demonstrations.
  • Haniyah "was one of the great resistance fighters of our time, who bravely fought against US hegemony and Zionist occupation," said Hezbollah in Lebanon. He was ready to die for the cause he believed in. His death would make "resistance fighters on all fronts" even more determined and "strengthen their resolve to confront the Zionist enemy."
  • The Houthi militia in Yemen, allied with Iran, calls the attack a "heinous terrorist crime," said Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, a member of the Political Bureau on the online service X. Since November, the Houthis have repeatedly targeted merchant ships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, allegedly linked to Israel.
  • Turkey accuses Israel of wanting to escalate the Gaza conflict in the region. It has once again been shown that the government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has no intention of achieving peace, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said.
  • The US would, according to the words of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, defend its ally Israel in case of an attack. Looking at the increasing tensions in the Middle East, Austin says during a visit to the Philippines that he does not consider a larger war in the region inevitable.

What will happen next is still uncertain. The National Security Council is meeting in Tehran, presumably to discuss further steps and possible reactions. It is also unclear how Haniyah's death will affect the ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas, and the situation he was responsible for.

Hezbollah Commander Dies in Beirut

Just hours before the attack on Ismail Haniyah, a high-ranking commander of Hezbollah, Fuad Shukr, was killed in a Israeli air strike in Lebanon. The terrorist militia had attacked a football pitch on the Golan Heights occupied by Israel with a rocket a few days ago, killing twelve children.

In light of the recent events, the European Union expresses its deep concern over the escalating tensions in the Middle East, particularly the targeted assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran. The European Union strongly condemns such acts and urges all parties involved to exercise restraint and seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Given his significant role in the Palestinian cause, the death of Ismail Haniyeh is a substantial loss for the Hamas movement. As a prominent figure in the European Union's list of designated terrorists, the EU emphasizes the importance of adhering to international law and avoiding actions that exacerbate the situation in the region.

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