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The Biden administration imposes punitive measures on an Israeli organization preventing aid from reaching Gazans.

The Biden government is implementing penalties against an Israeli organization for obstructing aid caravans meant for Gaza.

Israeli security forces apprehend a protester from the Tsav 9 movement as the group performs a...
Israeli security forces apprehend a protester from the Tsav 9 movement as the group performs a sit-in in an attempt to block aid shipments from getting into Gaza, in Kerem Shalom, Israel, on March 7.

The Biden administration imposes punitive measures on an Israeli organization preventing aid from reaching Gazans.

The American Treasury Department and the American State Department have imposed measures against the "Tsav 9" organization due to its consistent interference with the delivery of assistance.

The "Tsav 9" group consists of ex-soldiers, family members of hostages, and settlers. They've been holding protests to disrupt the crucial aid convoys at Kerem Shalom, the only functioning boundary crossing between Israel and Gaza. "Tsav 9" refers to "Order 9," which is a reference to the emergency notices that call up reservists.

In late February, the area was declared a closed military zone, but protesters still managed to get there and attempted to bypass the police.

According to State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller, on May 13, 2024, members of Tsav 9 hijacked and then torched two trucks in the West Bank carrying humanitarian aid headed for Israel and Gaza. He stated:

"For months, individuals from Tsav 9 have attempted to hinder the delivery of essential humanitarian aid to Gaza, sometimes using violence. They've also blocked roads and ruined aid vehicles. On May 13, 2024, Tsav 9 members stole and burned two aid trucks near Hebron in the West Bank, which were supposed to carry aid for people in Gaza."

Miller stressed that the Israeli government is responsible for guaranteeing the safety and security of humanitarian convoys crossing Israel and the West Bank to reach Gaza.

He also mentioned that the US wouldn't tolerate any violence directed at humanitarian assistance and would use every tool possible to hold those responsible accountable. He expectantly urged the Israeli authorities to do the same.

Reuters initially reported about the imposition of sanctions.

President Joe Biden signed an executive order this year, allowing sanctions on those causing violence in the West Bank earlier this year. The order has been used to impose sanctions on Israeli settlers, who have been attacking Palestinians in recent months.

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