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Teacher shortage: More departures than arrivals in the school system

Saxony-Anhalt is battling the teacher shortage. The balance sheet for the first ten months of 2023 shows that more teachers have left schools than have been hired. The majority of new recruits are lateral entrants.

A teacher writes words on a blackboard in a
A teacher writes words on a blackboard in a

Teacher shortage: More departures than arrivals in the school system

Despite numerous job advertisements and flexible solutions, more teachers have left Saxony-Anhalt's school system so far this year than have joined. By November 3, the number of new recruits was 1548, of which 895 were trained teachers and 653 were lateral entrants, according to the Ministry of Education. At the same time, 1651 teachers had left the schools by November 1, including 1459 trained teachers and 192 lateral entrants. This figure includes temporary and permanent staff.

Most recently, the state advertised 274 positions at general education schools in October. "There were no suitable applications for 133 positions," explained a ministry spokesperson. There was even an allowance for 82 positions because they are difficult to fill. According to the ministry, a total of 747 applications were received from 171 applicants. Of these, 70 applicants were trained teachers or were at the end of their training. 101 were lateral entrants.

The spokesperson went on to explain that 67 applicants applied for 21 advertised positions at vocational schools. Of these, 10 were qualified teachers or trainee teachers, 57 were lateral entrants. There were no suitable applications for 6 of the 21 positions.

A further advertisement will be published shortly, it was said. The large advertisements supplement the permanent advertisements, which are published at the beginning and middle of each month and offer the opportunity to apply as a teacher in Saxony-Anhalt at any time. In order to overcome the shortage of teachers, the state has steadily expanded the opportunities for lateral entrants. For example, non-academics can also apply for some school types and subjects.

In a press release on the October advertisement, the Ministry of Education stated that 481 positions had been advertised. This refers to so-called recruitment options, behind which there are a total of 295 positions.


