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Survey: Germans see fighting inflation as the most important political task in 2024

According to a survey, the fight against inflation will remain the most important issue for politicians to tackle in Germany in 2024. In a representative end-of-year survey conducted by the Insa opinion research institute for Bild am Sonntag, 57% of respondents said that the fight against...

The devaluation of money worries
The devaluation of money worries

Survey: Germans see fighting inflation as the most important political task in 2024

According to "BamS", the creation of affordable housing comes in second place on the current list of priorities with 55% (down one percentage point). For supporters of the "traffic light" parties, this is even the most important issue. According to the report, 70 percent of "traffic light" voters want more affordable housing.

In third place comes pension security, which 55% (up one percentage point) consider to be one of the most important issues. According to the survey, the baby boomer generation in particular is concerned about their livelihood in old age: 69% of 60 to 69-year-olds see a need for action.

Securing the energy supply is losing attention, but remains in the top 5 in the Insa survey. 50% of respondents named it as a priority task for politicians, eleven percentage points less than a year ago. The fight against the recession was included in the survey for the first time and came in seventh place straight away.

Three weeks after the publication of the worrying results of the Pisa study, 42% of respondents are also calling for schools to be better equipped, according to "BamS".

Managing migration has become the most important issue for Germans: according to Insa, 51% see a need for action here - 18 percentage points more than a year ago. In the East, as many as 57% want the government to take action on immigration.

By contrast, interest in the fight against climate change has declined significantly. Only 38% of respondents still see this issue as one of the most important (10th place), and only 29% in the East.

Only 15% still consider support for Ukraine, which is under attack from Russia, to be one of the most important issues, and strengthening the EU also scores very poorly at 16% in the year of the European elections. The legalization of cannabis is the least important issue for people. Only 9% see it as one of the most important issues in 2024.

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