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Study: Sugar tax could save up to 16 billion euros

A glass of orange soda and a glass of cola are on a
A glass of orange soda and a glass of cola are on a

Study: Sugar tax could save up to 16 billion euros

According to a study, a sugar tax on soft drinks in Germany alone would save up to 16 billion euros over the next two decades and prevent numerous diseases. "A soft drink tax in Germany would have significant positive effects," summarizes the research team from the Technical University of Munich and the British University of Liverpool in the journal "PLOS Medicine". In all simulated variants, less sugar would be consumed and illnesses would be less frequent. "This would reduce economic costs and relieve the burden on the healthcare system."

The World Health Organization recommends a special tax of at least 20 percent on sugary drinks in order to reduce the population's sugar consumption and its health consequences. Many countries have already introduced tax measures to combat the consumption of sugary drinks or foods. Instead, Germany relies on a voluntary commitment by the beverage industry - with moderate results so far, according to studies.

The research suggests that implementing a sugar tax on soft drinks could contribute to reducing economic costs associated with diseases, aligning with the World Health Organization's recommendation of a 20% tax on sugary drinks. Moreover, conducting further research in nutrition and health could provide insights into the long-term effects of sugar taxation on population health and finances.




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