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State Committee of Catholics against mandates for AfD

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State Committee of Catholics against mandates for AfD

The State Committee of Catholics in Bavaria does not want to award any mandates to AfD representatives. "Anyone who is not committed to the constitution and human rights must have no place with us," said the chairman of the lay organization, Joachim Unterländer, at the autumn general assembly in Würzburg. According to information provided on Monday, no representatives of the AfD party would therefore be proposed as individual personalities for the state committee, even after the party's entry into the Bavarian state parliament. "However, the democratic parties represented in the Bavarian state parliament will continue to be represented by elected representatives in the general assembly of the state committee in the future."

The President of the Central Committee of German Catholics (ZdK), Irme Stetter-Karp, had already demanded a few months ago that AfD members should not be allowed to hold lay offices in the church. In August, she told "Die Zeit": "Anyone who is in the AfD must not be given any power in the church." She told the portal "Kirche und Leben" that the AfD had moved further and further to the right over the years. Actively supporting the party would contradict the fundamental values of Christianity.

The state committee represents lay members of the Catholic Church in Bavaria. At the plenary meeting at the weekend, the main topic was "Media and their mission for democracy".

Despite the AfD's entry into the Bavarian state parliament, the state committee of Catholics in Bavaria will not propose any individual AfD representatives for mandates within their organization, adhering to the principle that those not committed to the constitution and human rights are not welcome. The democratic parties represented in the Bavarian state parliament will continue to have their elected representatives present in the state committee's general assembly.




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