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Markus Söder takes part in a press conference at the CSU national
Markus Söder takes part in a press conference at the CSU national

Söder beats the drum for black-red

In view of the coalition negotiations between the CDU and SPD in Hesse, CSU leader Markus Söder is also campaigning for new black-red alliances beyond the federal state. "Black-green is currently an obsolete model. Black-Red is more attractive because, especially in times of crisis, the focus is more on common sense and not on ideological ideas like the Greens," the Bavarian Minister President told Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND), also with a view to the upcoming Bundestag elections. "The problems are on the table, we could reach an agreement with the SPD more quickly than with others."

This is also the reason why Hesse's Minister President Boris Rhein and Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (both CDU) have opted for coalitions with the SPD. Söder announced his party's claim to the Ministry of Economic Affairs in the event of the CDU/CSU forming a new federal government. "We as the CSU want to claim the Ministry of Economics for ourselves after the next election in order to once again pursue an economic policy for trade, small and medium-sized enterprises, mechanical engineering, the automotive and chemical industries." Söder once again left the question of the Union's candidacy for Chancellor open, but said that he himself wanted to remain in Munich.

In the context of his advocacy for black-red alliances, Markus Söder, the CSU leader, expressed that black-green coalitions are outdated. During the upcoming Bundestag elections, Söder's CSU aims to claim the Ministry of Economics to continue supporting trade, SMEs, mechanical engineering, and related industries.


