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Significantly more foreign qualifications recognized

In the healthcare sector, people from abroad are urgently needed. However, their professional qualifications must be recognized. How have the numbers evolved?

Especially in care professions, many people from abroad want to have their professional...
Especially in care professions, many people from abroad want to have their professional qualification recognized.

Care professions and more - Significantly more foreign qualifications recognized

Last year, there was a significant increase in the number of people attempting to have their foreign professional qualifications recognized in Saxony. A total of 2,509 applications were received, marking a 26.6% increase from 2022, according to the State Statistical Office in Kamenz. Of these, 1,001 qualifications were recognized as fully equivalent, compared to 792 in the previous year.

The majority of applications were for nursing professions, teachers, and doctors. The applicants predominantly came from Ukraine, Syria, the Philippines, and Brazil.

In response to the surge in applications, Saxony is considering expanding its professional education programs to better accommodate the diverse backgrounds of applicants. Moreover, the recognition of professional qualifications from nations like Ukraine, Syria, the Philippines, and Brazil highlights the need for cross-cultural education within the recognized professions.

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