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Scholz states that no "law of the jungle" exists in Germany.

To confront rising violence, Chancellor Olaf Scholz has declared intent for strong government action and advocates for increased penalties. In a recent Bundestag address, the SPD leader stated, "Germans who yearn for freedom and harmony shouldn't feel threatened. Instead, it should be the...

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz.
Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

German parliament - Scholz states that no "law of the jungle" exists in Germany.

Chancellor Scholz referred to the recent knife attack on a young police officer in Mannheim as an act of terror instigated by a hateful ideology and radical Islamism. "This situation demands stern response - no matter what the motive," he added. The Chancellor showed empathy for the grieving police officers and women across the country, saying "We stand by you, we stand by our police."

An Afghan individual had left five participants of the anti-Islamic movement Pax Europa and the police injured with a knife during a demonstration last Friday in Mannheim. The officer eventually succumbed to his wounds.

Scholz affirmed that anyone who attacks guards trying to protect and safeguard lives, whether it's from behind or in ambushes, should face the full force of the law. To achieve this, criminal laws will be tightened, and more severe punishments will be inflicted for crafty setups.Zones with restrictions against weapons and knives need to be used more often, including areas like train stations. Scholz emphasized that such measures are particularly essential at "hotspots" and large-scale events.

Chancellor Scholz also spoke about the more than 20 million women and men with immigrant backgrounds who have endured hate and violence, and are also victims of intimidation from Islamists. Addressing this, he said "They are part of our society. We will not allow division." It is completely irrational and disgraceful to target this massive group based on general suspicion. "Those who use horrific incidents like the one in Mannheim for their agenda are jeopardizing our unity," he concluded.

Read also:

  1. The incident in Mannheim takes place in the city of Mannheim, situated in the heart of Germany.
  2. Following the knife attack, the Bundestag is expected to discuss stricter legislation against extremism and terrorist activities.
  3. Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor, condemned the attack on the police officer as an act of extremism, stating it's unacceptable in Germany.
  4. Women and men with immigrant backgrounds who live in Berlin, among other cities, have been subjected to hate crimes and violent attacks, as Scholz highlighted.
  5. Police forces across Germany have been working tirelessly to tackle increasing instances of knife attacks and extremism, requiring the support of the Justice system.
  6. Olaf Scholz, representing the SPD, urged all Germans to stand together in unity and solidarity, condemning any form of extremism or hate crime against men, women, or any group of people in Germany.

