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Rot-Grün will sustainability strategy for Hamburg

Hamburg committed itself to implementing the sustainability goals of the United Nations years ago. A comprehensive strategy should now clearly demonstrate how this can be achieved.

Rot-Grün will set own sustainability strategy for Hamburg.
Rot-Grün will set own sustainability strategy for Hamburg.

UN-Goals - Rot-Grün will sustainability strategy for Hamburg

With a sustainability strategy for Hamburg, SPD and Greens aim to demonstrate the way to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations. This is the content of a joint proposal from the government factions, which the German Press Agency (dpa) has access to and which the citizens will decide on after the summer break on September 4. Hamburg committed itself to implementing the so-called Sustainable Development Goals in 2017 and last year was the first federal state to submit a voluntary local report on this.

The SDGs, which UN member states agreed upon in 2015, aim to enable decent living for all people worldwide and secure natural life foundations sustainably. Topics include poverty, health, educational equality, and employment opportunities, land and water protection, climate protection, resource-efficient economic development, and transparent government action.

Sustainability should be firmly anchored in administrative practice

The Hamburg Sustainability Report provides an overview of the strategies, programs, and measures for achieving the goals and their implementation through 107 key performance indicators. According to the proposal, it should be integrated into the permanent task of a comprehensive Hamburg Sustainability Strategy in the future.

"The first sustainability report last year showed that Hamburg is already on a good path," said Alexander Mohrenberg, SPD's environmental policy spokesperson, to dpa. "We want to ensure that sustainability is thought of holistically and not every authority starts its own separate programs. With a comprehensive sustainability strategy, we want to connect already successful measures more closely and anchor them more bindingly in administrative practice."

Possible approaches could be inter-agency steering teams or sustainability checks at important political decisions. "By doing so, we are setting the tracks for a future-oriented development that considers ecological, social, and economic aspects equally," Mohrenberg said.

Sustainability strategy should provide clear orientation

The strategy should give clear orientation to economics, civil society, and politics on this important issue, said Andrea Nunne, Green spokesperson for agricultural policy, food transition, and water management, to dpa. "We want to engage in dialogue with the population in a participatory and clear manner about how we want to implement the UN goals in Hamburg and further optimize our resource management."

In a world increasingly shaped by the climate crisis, it will become increasingly important for all Hamburg authorities to get involved in these tasks. "We therefore expect intensive cooperation from all Hamburg authorities on the strategy," Nunne said. To effectively organize processes within and between the authorities for sustainability, we also plan to use Artificial Intelligence.

  1. The PDP and the Greens in Hamburg are working together on a sustainability strategy that aligns with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the UN.
  2. The proposed sustainability strategy aims to provide a roadmap for achieving sustainable living and natural resource protection for all, as outlined in the SDGs agreed upon by UN member states in 2015.
  3. The strategy seeks to embed sustainability principles deeply into Hamburg's administrative practices, ensuring a holistic approach to environmental, social, and economic issues.
  4. The German Press Agency has obtained a joint proposal from SPD and Greens, which includes integrating the Hamburg Sustainability Report into a permanent, comprehensive sustainability strategy.
  5. The Red-Green coalition aims to improve coordination between different authorities by establishing inter-agency steering teams and incorporating sustainability checks at key political decisions.
  6. In the face of the climate crisis, it's crucial for all Hamburg authorities to participate actively in implementing the sustainability strategy, and the coalition plans to use Artificial Intelligence to enhance process management.
  7. The proposed sustainability strategy encourages active engagement from civil society and the public, with a focus on transparent, inclusive dialogue to optimize resource management in Hamburg.

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