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Richard Gere thinks about his death every day

Sometime he just checks out of his body: Richard Gere
Sometime he just checks out of his body: Richard Gere

Richard Gere thinks about his death every day

US actor Richard Gere, a devoted follower of Buddhism, meditates daily. At 74, he often thinks about his own death - for spiritual peace.

In his new film "Oh, Canada," Gere plays a writer who allows a cameraman to document his final moments. The theme of death isn't just a professional concern for the 74-year-old; it's a daily personal reflection. In an interview with "Bunte" magazine, the Hollywood star, who has been practicing Buddhism for years, says, "We must always remember that everything is impermanent. It's pointless to cling to life with both hands."

Gere admits he had to learn this lesson himself. Through a meditative technique where he imagines his own death daily, "again and again." He calls it "meditation, reflection, or analysis... it changes your perspective on yourself."

Gere's Body is "Like a Hotel Room"

The "Pretty Woman" star believes he will only leave his body at death, while his consciousness continues. "My body is like a hotel room. I've checked in, and one day I'll check out. That's why I've made peace with death."

Gere, who has three sons and is married to Spanish actress Alejandra Silva, turned to Buddhism many years ago and is friends with the Dalai Lama.

Gere's interest in death is deeply rooted in his Buddhist beliefs, as he often reflects on the impermanence of life and encourages letting go of attachment to it.In his film "Oh, Canada," Gere's character echoes his personal beliefs, approaching death with acceptance and peace.

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