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Problem wolf "Gloria" released for shooting

The district of Wesel has released problem wolf "Gloria" for shooting. The district administration announced on Wednesday that a special permit had been issued for the removal of the wolf. "Gloria" - officially GW954f - would therefore be the first animal that could be shot after the return of...

A wolf stands in the enclosure at the bison enclosure in Springe.
A wolf stands in the enclosure at the bison enclosure in Springe.

Animals - Problem wolf "Gloria" released for shooting

The district of Wesel has released problem wolf "Gloria" for shooting. The district administration announced on Wednesday that a special permit had been issued for the removal of the wolf. "Gloria" - officially GW954f - would therefore be the first animal that could be shot after the return of the wolves to North Rhine-Westphalia. The species is strictly protected by law in Europe and may not be hunted.

The district of Wesel will soon issue the order to a "competent person", who will be responsible for the removal. The corresponding general decree comes into force this Thursday and expires on February 15, 2024.

The order also regulates the case that another wolf is accidentally killed because "Gloria" has no conspicuous external identifying features: In that case, another wolf would be allowed to be shot. It is assumed that there is only one other wolf in the area.

The district also assumes that the order will be challenged in court. Wolf "Gloria" had repeatedly scaled high fences in the Lower Rhine region and killed animals. As a result, the state initiated proceedings to shoot the animal, which was displaying conspicuous behavior.

"Gloria" lives with a pack in the NRW wolf sanctuary in Schermbeck, which was declared in 2018. Shepherds and local residents have been complaining for years that the wolves have already killed numerous animals, especially sheep, and are also getting past the protective fences.

After the she-wolf had remained inconspicuous for a long time, six incidents were recorded in the period from September 27 to October 24 alone. In 2021, an attempt by a shepherd to have the wolf shot failed before the Düsseldorf Administrative Court.

Information on the wolf from the Lanuv

Read also:

  1. Despite being a protected species under European nature conservation laws, the district of Wesel has issued a permit for the removal of problem wolf "Gloria."
  2. The environmental policy in North Rhine-Westphalia has come under scrutiny following the decision to allow the shooting of the she-wolf.
  3. Agricultural communities in the area, particularly shepherds, have urged for action against the wolves, citing repeated attacks on their livestock.
  4. The withdrawal of the wolf from its sanctuary in Schermbeck to the wilds of North Rhine-Westphalia has led to a clash between wildlife conservation and agricultural interests.
  5. The case of wolf "Gloria" has set a precedent, potentially leading to a rise in exemptions for the shooting of problem wolves in the future.
  6. Critics argue that the withdrawal of the wolf from its protected status and the subsequent permit for its shooting could have broader environmental repercussions for North Rhine-Westphalia's wolf population and the region's overall biodiversity.


