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Perspective: Showcasing my "Mom" experience on my CV

Revamping resumes could inspire employers to alter their perceptions and approaches towards mothers in the workplace, providing a reason for them to rejoice on Mother's Day.

'If all of us moms embraced this role on the documents designed to capture our qualifications,...
'If all of us moms embraced this role on the documents designed to capture our qualifications, skills and work experience, we could help upend ugly stereotypes,' writes Kara Alaimo

Perspective: Showcasing my "Mom" experience on my CV

Lauren Tetenbaum, a professional in maternal healthcare and advocacy, claims that when mothers go back to work after having children or taking career breaks, they frequently encounter misconceptions regarding their dedication to their jobs. This negative and untrue stereotype eventually becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as employers are reluctant to invest in, promote, or even highly value individuals whom they believe do not prioritize their careers.

In contrast, employers seem to reward male fathers. A study published a year ago by Pew Research Center suggests that men with children earn more than their childless counterparts.

Recent research by Vivvi, a childcare service that collaborates with businesses, and The Fifth Trimester, a gender equity organization centered on supporting working parents, discloses that parents, in general, strive for career advancement. Their survey revealed that one of the primary motivations for parents is earning more money, an understandable objective considering the high cost of raising children. It would cost $310,605, according to a 2022 calculation by the Brookings Institution, to raise a child born in 2015 until age 17. Additionally, parents might contribute towards college expenses, as some universities are expected to soon charge over $100,000 per year.

Lauren Smith Brody, founder of The Fifth Trimester, informed me that the survey findings align with her observations while coaching mothers. “These women tell me that their children are the ones who motivate them to pursue meaning in their work and maintain their positions within their companies and improve their businesses, generating benefits for their employers and themselves. The cultural narrative is not accurate; mothers do not become distracted from their career aspirations by their children,” she says.

It's essential to reconsider the assumptions our society holds regarding the determination and worth of mothers and their professional contributions.

"It's something to be proud of being a mother, and you have numerous talents related to leadership, social, and emotional skills that can be used effectively in the workplace," Tetenbaum declares.

As mothers, we frequently acquire expertise in interviewing and hiring childcare providers to meet the demands of our careers and our families. We multitask efficiently to balance work responsibilities with family and household duties. We negotiate with highly irrational individuals and manage conflicts. We carry out research to make various decisions, from choosing pediatricians to selecting summer camps. We strive to be model citizens for our children.

These endeavors are more challenging than the most challenging jobs I've held, including my positions as spokesperson for global economic diplomacy during President Barack Obama's administration and as head of communications for a United Nations Secretary-General initiative.

As a result, mothers should be honored and sought after for our talents instead of being discriminated against in the workplace.

However, if only a few women include the title of "mother" in their resumes, they may be disregarded by ignorant employers. If we all begin showcasing the abilities motherhood has afforded us, we can instruct employers about why they should value and proactively hire mothers and why they should not disregard career breaks for caregiving, which is vital for the many females who took time off work during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Companies can also entice more moms by providing childcare benefits. The report by Vivvi and The Fifth Trimester indicates that every dollar spent on childcare yields a return on investment of nearly $18, as it assists organizations in retaining and attracting parents and boosting productivity.

Employers can also cease requiring excessive working hours. When employers anticipate that employees must work or be reachable beyond typical hours, frequently the father assumes the responsibility for such jobs, while the mother reduces her career involvement.

Numerous mothers are ardent about advancing in their careers and possess a remarkable set of abilities from their caregiving roles that could greatly benefit employers. Updating our resumes may cause employers to reassess how they view and treat mothers in the workforce, ultimately benefiting mothers by providing them with something worth celebrating on Mother's Day.

Kara  Alaimo

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In the discussion about the value of parents in the workforce, it's important to challenge societal assumptions that undervalue mothers' professional contributions. Many mothers possess valuable skills gained from their caregiving roles, such as negotiation and multitasking, that could greatly benefit employers. However, if mothers do not include their "mother" title on their resumes, they may be overlooked due to these assumptions.

When job applicants highlight their experiences and skills related to their roles as mothers, it can help educate employers about the benefits of hiring mothers and the potential value they bring to the workplace. By showcasing their opinions and experiences, mothers can help challenge the negative stereotypes and misconceptions that often hinders their career advancement.




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