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Over-indebtedness has increased slightly

In purely mathematical terms, fewer people in Germany are over-indebted. But this is only a statistical effect. In reality, more people have problems meeting their financial obligations.

In Germany, the number of over-indebted people has risen
In Germany, the number of over-indebted people has risen

Over-indebtedness has increased slightly

After years of declines in over-indebtedness among citizens, the tide has turned according to data from the credit agency Creditreform. The company announced on Wednesday that 5.65 million people in Germany were over-indebted this year. Compared to the previous year, this is a drop of 233,000 people. However, this is due to a statistical effect. If this is factored out and the figure is calculated using the same method as in 2022, the result is an increase of 17,000. There has been a "hidden trend reversal", it said. Over-indebtedness is likely to increase more significantly in the coming year. The last time there was an increase in over-indebtedness was in 2018.

Creditreform explained the development with the higher cost of living, increased interest rates and the weak economy, including higher unemployment. People are considered over-indebted if they are unable to meet their financial obligations in the long term. In coronavirus times, over-indebtedness had fallen as interest rates were very low and people were sometimes more frugal and had fewer opportunities to spend money. In addition, state aid supported companies and thus secured jobs. For its "Debtor Atlas", Creditreform evaluates anonymized data from official registers, online retailers and other sources.


