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Officer succumbs to injuries from knife attack in Mannheim.

Fatal assault

Candles and flowers commemorate the victims after the knife attack in Mannheim that left several...
Candles and flowers commemorate the victims after the knife attack in Mannheim that left several people injured.

Officer succumbs to injuries from knife attack in Mannheim.

A violent stabbing incident at the Mannheim marketplace leaves 6 individuals wounded. The stabbing is suspected to be targeted against an individual known for criticizing Islam. Sadly, one of the injured individuals, a police officer, has passed away at the hospital.

A police officer, severely hurt during the stabbing at Mannheim marketplace, has since died. The State Prosecutor's Office of Karlsruhe, Mannheim Police Headquarters, and the State Criminal Investigation Office disclosed this to the public on a Sunday night. The incident took place during the event of the Islam-critical organization, Pax Europa (BPE), on Friday morning.

The attacker wounded 6 men on the marketplace in the city center. Apart from the slain police officer, also among the injured is BPE's board member, Michael Stürzenberger, who was heavily injured too.

The culprit is still unknown. The 25-year-old person, who was born in Afghanistan but migrated to Germany in 2014, remains uninterrogated. He was injured in the moments after the episode as well. The State Prosecutor's Office of Karlsruhe and the State Criminal Investigation Office of Baden-Württemberg charged him with attempted murder on Saturday. He has not been arrested yet, is married with two children, and lives in Hessian Heppenheim. A police officer shot the assailant.

BPE treasurer Stefanie Kizina revealed that the 59-year-old Munich Stürzenberger was the primary target. Stürzenberger has been a vocal Islam critic for years and is watched closely by the Bavarian Office for the Protection of the Constitution. He spoke to a right-wing news medium from his hospital bed, recounting the event where he was struck in the face and thigh. Kizina indicated that Stürzenberger received care from police officers. The "Bild" mentioned that Stürzenberger described the attack as a "horrific nightmare" that emerged unexpectedly.

Despite the knife attack in Mannheim, BPE still plans to appear at other public events. Kizina believes that the law enforcement might enhance security measures.

Read also:

The Mannheim Police Department is actively investigating the incident where a police officer lost his life following a stabbing. The tragic event occurred at the city center marketplace in Mannheim.



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