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Michael Schanze mourns the loss of his partner

Knew each other for 40 years: Michael Schanze and his girlfriend Uschi Köhl.
Knew each other for 40 years: Michael Schanze and his girlfriend Uschi Köhl.

Michael Schanze mourns the loss of his partner

TV Legend Michael Schanze is grappling with the sudden and unexpected loss of his partner of 40 years, Uschi Köhl, who passed away at the age of 70 in their shared home. During this difficult time, the former "1, 2 oder 3" host is finding support from his sons.

Michael Schanze has lost his partner Uschi Köhl. The 70-year-old passed away unexpectedly in their Munich home, where Schanze found her lifeless. "I'm currently in very heavy waters," the 77-year-old told Bild. Köhl was the most important person in his life. Schanze found her on Monday afternoon in their home's winter garden and immediately called an ambulance, which fought for her life for about an hour. "The doctor said Uschi didn't have a chance," Schanze told the paper. The cause of death was a brain hemorrhage.

Met at work

Michael Schanze and the seven years younger Uschi Köhl had known each other for over 40 years. At the time, she had repeatedly dressed him for TV appearances in her job as a costume designer. Ten years ago, Schanze invited her to his theater piece "Othello darf nicht platzen," and the two became a couple. Köhl moved to Munich to live with Schanze.

Michael Schanze became known primarily through the children's show "1, 2 oder 3," which he hosted from 1977 to 1985. In the 1980s, he was the host of the entertainment show "Flitterabend" and was successful with "Kinderquatsch mit Michael" in the 1990s. Additionally, Schanze is a versatile stage artist who has appeared in various theater productions. However, he then largely withdrew from television. In 2003, Schanze suffered a severe knee injury while skiing, which resulted in him having a prosthesis today.

The pain of losing Uschi Köhl is immense. Michael Schanze must now take care of her funeral and memorial service, with his sons by his side. Recently, Schanze became a grandfather again. His son Patrick, who lives in Nashville, Tennessee, has become a father to a daughter.

The entertainment industry has lost a significant figure, with the passing of Uschi Köhl, Michael Schanze's partner of 40 years. Despite his personal tragedy, Schanze finds solace in sharing the responsibility of organizing Uschi's memorial service with his sons.

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