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Martensmann brings red wine: a 500-year-old tradition

For around 500 years, there has been a custom in the north that a barrel of red wine is brought from Lübeck to Schwerin as a token of friendship. It is transported by horse-drawn carriage. Once a year, the Martensmann comes rolling in.

The Martensmann from Lübeck is making his way to Schwerin together with Mayor Jan Lindenau (SPD)
The Martensmann from Lübeck is making his way to Schwerin together with Mayor Jan Lindenau (SPD)

Martensmann brings red wine: a 500-year-old tradition

Around 500 years ago, the so-called Martensmann made his way from Lübeck to Schwerin for the first time with a barrel of red wine in his luggage. This annual tradition was revived in 1991 and on Sunday the time had come again. In the afternoon, the Martensmann arrived in Schwerin with his two-horse carriage.

Watched by many onlookers and accompanied by the police, the Martensmann rolled past Schwerin Castle with his 150 liters of red wine (Lübeck Rotspon) on board. His journey finally ended on the market square. He also threw sweets to the children. The "Martensmarkt", a medieval-style festival, is now held there in his honor.

The custom of the Martensmann is centuries old. Around 500 years ago, he is said to have made his way from Lübeck to the Duke of Schwerin for the first time - with wine in his luggage as a token of friendship to the sovereign and his subjects. The custom died out in 1817 and was revived in 1991 on the initiative of the then Minister President of Schleswig-Holstein, Björn Engholm (SPD).

Since then, the state capital of Schwerin has celebrated the reception of the Martensmann with a fair every year. In 2020, the custom was added to the nationwide list of intangible cultural heritage.

The revival of the Martensmann's tradition in 1991 was a significant event, as it involved the annual journey from Lübeck with a barrel of red wine, a tradition that dates back centuries and is rooted in a gesture of friendship towards the Duke of Schwerin and his subjects. The custom of the Martensmann, with its historical significance, is now protected as an intangible cultural heritage in Germany.




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