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Man shoots at federal police officers with pyrotechnics

A man fired pyrotechnics at two federal police officers in Frankfurt (Oder) on New Year's Eve. The 21-year-old is said to have fired three rounds of flare ammunition from a blank gun at the officers from a distance of around 25 meters, as the federal police announced on Tuesday. The officers...

The police lettering on an emergency vehicle.
The police lettering on an emergency vehicle.

Turn of the year - Man shoots at federal police officers with pyrotechnics

A man fired pyrotechnics at two federal police officers in Frankfurt (Oder) on New Year's Eve. The 21-year-old is said to have fired three rounds of flare ammunition from a blank gun at the officers from a distance of around 25 meters, as the federal police announced on Tuesday. The officers were not injured.

The federal police had previously wanted to check on the Frankfurt city bridge. They came across the 21-year-old and a second man early on Monday morning.

The officers were able to catch the suspected shooter, the fleeing 21-year-old, and take him into temporary custody. He is known to the police for violent crimes and property offenses. He was taken to hospital because he had injured himself while climbing over a construction fence. The alarm gun remained missing for the time being.


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