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Macron was given a military welcome at Bellevue Palace.

French President Emmanuel Macron is honored with a military reception at Bellevue Palace in Berlin on Sunday. Germany's Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Büdenbender warmly welcomed Macron and his wife Brigitte, as a formation played the national anthems for both...

Military honors for French President Macron
Military honors for French President Macron

Macron was given a military welcome at Bellevue Palace.

The French president, Macron, touched down in Germany mid-afternoon for a three-day trip, also covering stops at Dresden and Münster. This marks the first official state visit from a French leader to Germany in a quarter century. Embracing the visit, Macron and Steinmeier attended a democracy festival in Berlin to honor the 75th anniversary of the Basic Law.

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