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King Pogacar captures Giro d'Italia in astonishing fashion

No more opportunities for Triumph to be won.

Wenn Pogacar loslegt, kann ihm niemand folgen.
Wenn Pogacar loslegt, kann ihm niemand folgen.

King Pogacar captures Giro d'Italia in astonishing fashion

Can anyone stop the Radking (Radkonig)? Tadej Pogacar is barely challenged at the Giro d'Italia - he's simply unstoppable. He secures his sixth stage win and just drives unbeatably to the overall victor. On Sunday, he's expected to have another triumphant ride - possibly even the best time since 1965.

The unconquerable Tadej Pogacar is inches away from winning the overall victory in the Giro d'Italia after putting on a stunning performance. The Slovenian cyclist from Team UAE Emirates claimed the last mountain stage on Saturday with a 34 km solo ride, resulting in a total of six stage victories this year at the Italian Grand Tour. As of Sunday's end in Rome, Pogacar has increased his lead to a staggering 9:57 minutes.

Pogacar began his decisive assault on the Monte Grappa during the second ascent of the mountain, which he had previously scaled. As if on cue, no fellow race contestants could keep up with him. Later, he caught lone escapee Giulio Pellizzari. While en route, Pogacar continued to extend his distance from the pack.

If Pogacar completes the race with this commanding lead, it would be the largest margin since 1965. In that year, late Italian cyclist Vittorio Adorni sealed the win with a 11:26-minute gap over the rest of the field.

"The team worked flawlessly, I had the legs, I'm very content," remarked Pogacar, who expressed his relief when the race was finally over.

In his debut at the Giro, Pogacar might just also snag the mountain ranking. The final 125 km stretch with Rome's start and endpoint is mostly flat, so it's likely that the sprinters will determine the "winner" amongst themselves.

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