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July weather in NRW - no summer month to enjoy

Initially cool, then too hot again, sometimes too much rain - July in North Rhine-Westphalia was very changeable.

Too hot, too wet - there was no enjoyable summer weather in North Rhine-Westphalia in July.
Too hot, too wet - there was no enjoyable summer weather in North Rhine-Westphalia in July.

- July weather in NRW - no summer month to enjoy

No consistently warm summer weather with weeks of clear blue skies, instead there were frequent brief heatwaves and storms: July in North Rhine-Westphalia was no month for relaxation and enjoyment. Instead, there were heavy downpours, such as on July 21st in Steinfurt-Burgsteinfurt, where 79 liters per square meter of rain was recorded, the highest daily rainfall in Germany. The German Weather Service (DWD) reported this in its July review.

In total, the sun shone for 211 hours in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) in July - significantly longer than the long-term average of 1961-1990 (187 hours). With an average temperature of 18.4 degrees Celsius (reference period 1961-1990: 16.9 degrees), it was relatively warm in the state - although many may not have perceived it that way. However, the monthly rainfall in NRW was above the reference period, with 89 liters per square meter.

North Rhine-Westphalia did not record record temperatures - so far, the highest temperature was recorded in Bad Muskau (Saxony), where 34.8 degrees was measured on July 10th. These values are still provisional and are based on forecasts from the DWD's approximately 2,000 weather stations in Germany.

Despite the relatively warm temperatures in North Rhine-Westphalia, the experience was not entirely pleasant for many due to the other frequent rain showers and storms. Even during periods of warm weather, there were instances of heavy rainfall, such as the 79 liters per square meter recorded on July 21st in Steinfurt-Burgsteinfurt.

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