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If a European party were able to carry out its desires, this could be the result.

What if only one political party was allowed to function without restraint? Suppose they would then also carry out everything they stated in their current European elections program in 2024. This thought experiment might seem somewhat meaningless. But we often wonder what we might do with our next lottery winnings, even if we're unlikely to win or perhaps don't even play. So, it's fun to think about this possibility.

A "flawless party world" after the European elections

AI consultant Max Mundhenke took this idea a step further. He shared his approach on the professional network LinkedIn. To explore this scenario, he trained an AI with the official election programs of Union, SPD, FDP, Greens, Left, and BSW. Next, he asked the AI to create a future outlook based on the data within these programs, considering as much as possible the parties' stated intentions.

At first, the AI provided a brief summary in text form. For the SPD, for instance, it wrote:

  • Social Europe: Reinforcing social security systems, introducing a European unemployment insurance.
  • Climate: Achieving climate neutrality by 2050, expanding renewable energy sources, promoting electromobility.
  • Economy: Promoting digitalization and innovation, ensuring fair tax systems, combatting tax evasion.
  • Immigration: Implementing humane and orderly immigration policies, addressing the root causes of migration.
  • Vision: A Europe with strong social ties, climate protection, an innovative economy, and a humane immigration policy.

Although simplified, this summary aligns with the party's campaign slogans. It's important to note that an in-depth analysis or interpretation of the mentioned plans was not conducted. The images that follow in the gallery can be identified based on these descriptions alone.

Reactions from AfD supporters

Mundhenke spoke to the "Berliner Morgenpost" regarding the online response to his images. Within a day, his graphics garnered significant attention. He informed the newspaper that he had received criticisms, primarily from AfD (Alternative for Germany) supporters on TikTok. "I suspect that many AfD voters have never truly examined their party program or the consequences of AfD policies," Mundhenke said to the "Berliner Morgenpost". Consequently, the AI-generated images may have "puzzled or misled some people", the AI consultant added.

The AI DALL-E3's interpretation of a Europe aligned with the respective party programs of the selected German parties is displayed in the image gallery above.

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