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Hungary attracts Russian migrant workers - EU outrage

Can Russian spies soon enter the EU without problems via Hungary? Critics of a new special rule of the Budapest government find this not unlikely. An investigation is now underway.

- Hungary attracts Russian migrant workers - EU outrage

In the European Union, there is concern over favorable Hungarian special rules for guest workers from Russia and Belarus. Given the geopolitical context of the EU's relations with Russia and Belarus, such a mechanism is highly questionable and raises serious security concerns, wrote top representatives of the European People's Party (EPP) to EU Council President Charles Michel.

The approach could create significant loopholes for espionage activities and allow a large number of Russians to enter Hungary and the border-free Schengen area with minimal oversight. Specifically, the EPP representatives called on the EU Council President to investigate the situation and discuss it at the next EU summit.

The goal should be to take strict measures to protect the integrity of the Schengen area, limit the existing security risk, and prevent other member states from taking similar initiatives in the future, the letter stated. It was signed, among others, by the German EPP chairman and CSU MEP Manfred Weber.

EU Commission announces investigation

Hungary has had special rules for guest workers for some time. These rules previously only applied to Ukrainians and Serbs and were extended to include persons from Russia and its partner country Belarus this month. According to the regulation, guest workers can come for two years and extend their stay for three years each time, as often as they wish. They can work in any profession they choose. However, to benefit from the regulation, they must prove that they have a job, accommodation, and health insurance in Hungary.

The European Commission, responsible for monitoring compliance with EU law, announced that it would seek contact with Hungarian authorities to obtain further information about the special regulation. Russia is considered a security threat to the EU, a spokesperson in Brussels said.

She emphasized that Hungary must always check whether third-country nationals entering the Schengen area meet all the conditions set out in Article 6 of the Schengen Border Code. This includes not only having a visa or valid residence permit but also not being listed in the Schengen Information System for refusal of entry.

The government of Viktor Orban, the right-wing populist Hungarian prime minister, regularly makes headlines with its close ties to Russia. Most recently, Orban traveled to Moscow for talks with Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin without coordinating with EU partners, which sparked criticism, especially since Hungary currently holds the rotating EU Council presidency.

The European Commission's investigation into Hungary's special rules for guest workers from Russia and Belarus underscores the EU's concern, as Russia is deemed a security threat to the union. The EPP representatives' call for a thorough investigation and discussion at the next EU summit underscores the importance of safeguarding the Schengen area's integrity and preventing potential security risks.

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