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Hamas leader Ismail Hanijeh killed in Tehran

One of the most important leaders of Hamas was killed in an attack in the Iranian capital. Islamists blame Israel.

Middle East Conflict - Hamas leader Ismail Hanijeh killed in Tehran

Hamas' political leader, Ismail Haniyeh, has been killed in an Israeli strike in the Iranian capital, Tehran, according to the Islamist terror organization. He died as a result of an attack on his residence, Hamas announced. There was initially no confirmation from the Israeli side.

Hezbollah Commander Killed in Beirut

"Early this morning, the house of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran was attacked, resulting in his and one of his bodyguards' deaths. The cause is being investigated and will be announced shortly," said the Iranian Revolutionary Guards. Hamas stated that Haniyeh was killed in a "treacherous Zionist attack on his house in Tehran."

News of Haniyeh's death came hours after an Israeli air strike on a suburb of the Lebanese capital, Beirut. According to the Israeli army, Fuad Shukr, a high-ranking commander of the Shia militia Hezbollah, was killed. Hezbollah is allied with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, and both are allied with Iran, Israel's archenemy.

Haniyeh's Bodyguard Also Dies

According to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, in addition to Haniyeh, one of his bodyguards also died. The cause and extent of the incident are being investigated, and the results will be announced later, Iran's elite force announced in the early morning.

Haniyeh participated in the inauguration ceremony of the new Iranian president, Massoud Peseschkian, before his death, Hamas announced on its Telegram channel. According to Iranian reports, high-ranking representatives from 86 countries attended the inauguration. Most Western countries had neither congratulated Peseschkian on his election victory nor were their representatives on the parliamentary guest list.

Solidarity Attacks from Lebanon

Since the Hamas and other groups' terrorist attack on Israel on October 7, Hezbollah has been attacking targets in northern Israel in solidarity with Hamas. It says it will only stop its attacks when a ceasefire is reached in Gaza.

  1. It's worth noting that Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas political leader mentioned earlier, had a bodyguard who also perished in the attack on his residence in Tehran.
  2. Despite being a member of the European Parliament, Ismail Haniyeh's association with Hamas and its allies, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon, has led to tensions and conflicts with countries like Israel.

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