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Green Party leader: Budget not an issue in the cabinet

Decision "very soon"

Ricarda Lang emphasizes that the Ampel wants to prevent a state
Ricarda Lang emphasizes that the Ampel wants to prevent a state

Green Party leader: Budget not an issue in the cabinet

It is eagerly awaited whether the cabinet meeting will also deal with a compromise on the budget crisis by the coalition leaders. Green Party leader Lang has now dismissed the issue in an interview, but is hopeful that a decision will be reached soon.

There is still no agreement in the struggle over the 2024 federal budget. The budget will not be discussed in the federal cabinet this Wednesday, said Green Party leader Ricarda Lang on Bayern 2 radio, but she expects a decision to be made "very, very soon". The traffic light coalition will have to find a compromise, Lang emphasized. The aim is to prevent a "national crisis" and to show that "we can do this together and stick together as a government."

The Green Party chairwoman emphasized: "Right now, it's not about who can ultimately say this is a green dot, this is a yellow dot or a red dot." The important thing is that it is fair. Lang sharply attacked CDU/CSU parliamentary group leader Friedrich Merz, who primarily wants to cut the citizen's income and basic child benefits. Anyone who "protects the richest" in such a crisis is "dividing this country".

For days, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner and Economics Minister Robert Habeck have been trying to agree on a framework for the 2024 budget in confidential talks. Lindner had put the shortfall at 17 billion euros.

Germany's highest court had declared the reallocation of 60 billion euros null and void. The money had been approved as a coronavirus loan, but was later to be used for investments in climate protection and modernizing the economy. The judges also ruled that the federal government may not set aside loans approved in emergency situations for later years.

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