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FW support supermarket manager in discussion about thieves

Following a widely discussed post on social media about supermarket shoplifters in Regensburg, Bavaria's State Secretary for Economic Affairs Tobias Gotthardt (Free Voters) has now also expressed his solidarity with the entrepreneur concerned. The retailer from the Upper Palatinate had "quite...

Tobias Gotthardt (Free Voters) speaks in the plenary chamber during a session of the
Tobias Gotthardt (Free Voters) speaks in the plenary chamber during a session of the state parliament.

Free voters - FW support supermarket manager in discussion about thieves

Following a widely discussed post on social media about supermarket shoplifters in Regensburg, Bavaria's State Secretary for Economic Affairs Tobias Gotthardt(Free Voters) has now also expressed his solidarity with the entrepreneur concerned. The retailer from the Upper Palatinate had "quite rightly complained about the massive increase in the number of brazen, North African "thieving gangs", wrote Gotthardt on Facebook. He echoed the call from Free Voters leader Hubert Aiwanger to deport foreigners who commit crimes from Germany. "Anyone who steals is abusing their right as a guest and should be deported."

Regensburg police confirmed on Friday that there has been an increase in shoplifting in the Upper Palatinate city since the fall. "It is striking that in around a third of the cases, the suspects identified have Tunisian nationality," said a spokesperson.

Post from supermarket boss generated a lot of response

According to media reports, the operator of a food market in Regensburg's Donau-Einkaufszentrum, a complex with around 140 stores, wrote on Facebook before Christmas that men from asylum shelters were stealing goods from him by the bagful every day. The post was spread by numerous users, but the retailer later deleted it.

The businessman justified this in the Mittelbayerische Zeitung newspaper by saying that his post had been used by right-wing and left-wing extremists "for their cause". He did not want to offer them a platform. In addition, he had been incited against him and in some cases threatened.

A week ago, in light of the discussions surrounding the post from Regensburg, Aiwanger had called for theft by migrants to lead to deportation. "But we can't even get violent criminals out of the country," the Economics Minister wrote on the X portal (formerly Twitter). "For years, we systematically looked the other way," he said.

The police emphasized that although the crime statistics for 2023 were not yet available, there was an increase in shoplifting in Regensburg, as in the previous year. The Donau-Einkaufszentrum is one of the focal points for these crimes in the city. Five percent of thefts there involved the supermarket. Around half of the suspects in these cases were Tunisian nationals. In comparison, a police spokesperson explained: "Around a fifth of the suspects have German citizenship."

Tweet Aiwanger Gotthardt on Facebook Report "Mittelbayerische Zeitung"

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