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French Head of State Macron visits Germany with official purpose.

Emmanuel Macron, the French president, arrived in Germany for a three-day visit on Sunday. Upon landing at Berlin airport, arrangements included a trip to the democracy festival marking the 75th anniversary of their constitution and a ceremony honoring the military at Bellevue Palace. This...

Emmanuel Macron and Frank-Walter Steinmeier
Emmanuel Macron and Frank-Walter Steinmeier

French Head of State Macron visits Germany with official purpose.

During Macron's state visit to Germany, the focus won't be on the strained relationship between Berlin and Paris. Instead, it's all about strengthening Franco-German friendship and collaborating on joint initiatives. This comes at a crucial time, just two weeks before the European elections. Macron hopes to inspire young voters in particular to exercise their right to vote.

Following that, Macron and Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier plan to launch the Franco-German summer of sports at the Brandenburg Gate. The summer will be filled with events like the European Football Championships in Germany and the Summer Olympics in France. Later, there's a state banquet at Bellevue Palace, with Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) in attendance.

On Monday, the presidents will visit the Berlin Holocaust Memorial, accompanied by the French activists Beate and Serge Klarsfeld. The Klarsfelds, who have spent their lives relentlessly pursuing Nazis in hiding and commemorating victims of the Holocaust, will be given an award at the French embassy.

Given Macron's desire to visit a city in eastern Germany, the next stop is Dresden. There, Macron will address the youth of Europe. On Tuesday, he'll receive the Peace of Westphalia Prize in Münster for his dedication to Europe.

Other events include a Franco-German ministerial council at Meseberg Palace, where Scholz and a significant part of the Parisian government team will join in. Sensitive issues are also expected to be discussed.

Not so long ago, the Ukraine war strained Franco-German relations. Disagreements about levels of aid to Ukraine and Macron's proposedSend Western ground troops to Ukraine, even though he "didn't rule it out," sparked a fierce exchange of words between the two nations.

Now, both sides are focused on their shared aim to support Ukraine in the long run. Some progress has been made on joint weapons projects, like the fighter jet and the tank of the future.

There's progress in the debate over EU's classification of nuclear power as a climate-friendly energy source, but there are always new disputes.

France and Germany believe they can only push the European Commission's agenda together. They're both dedicated to introducing majority voting in some sectors before EU expansion. Additionally, there are tensions in trade policy, with France taking a more protectionist approach.

This balancing act is essential for both countries' interests. They're trying to find common ground while preserving their unique perspectives. The state visit offers an opportunity to showcase their solidarity and shared values.

Read also:

  1. The state visit of Emmanuel Macron to Germany will take place on Sunday, focusing on strengthening Franco-German friendship and collaborative initiatives.
  2. Macron and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier will launch the Franco-German summer of sports at the iconic Brandenburg Gate, featuring events like the European Football Championships and the Summer Olympics.
  3. Olaf Scholz, the Federal Chancellor of Germany, will attend the state banquet at Bellevue Palace during Macron's state visit.
  4. Following the state banquet, Macron is expected to visit a city in eastern Germany, such as Dresden, to address the youth of Europe and receive the Peace of Westphalia Prize.
  5. Macron and Scholz will participate in a Franco-German ministerial council at Meseberg Palace to discuss sensitive issues and collaboration on joint initiatives.
  6. The strained relationship between France and Germany over Ukraine, including disagreements about aid levels and Western troops, was a source of contention but has now shifted towards supporting Ukraine in the long run.
  7. France and Germany are focusing on joint weapons projects, such as a future fighter jet and tank, to support Ukraine while also working on EU's classification of nuclear power as a climate-friendly energy source.
  8. Macron, along with German leaders, believes that collaborating together to push the European Commission's agenda and introducing majority voting in some sectors before EU expansion is crucial for their shared interests.
  9. Macron's visit to Germany comes just before the European elections, with the French president hoping to inspire young voters to engage in democracy festivals and discussions about the future of Europe.


