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Franca Lehfeldt swaps news for horses

Hop, hop, rider

Is she backing the right horse with her independence? Franca
Is she backing the right horse with her independence? Franca

Franca Lehfeldt swaps news for horses

They say that happiness on earth lies on the back of a horse. This is apparently also true for Franca Lehfeldt, who, after leaving the news business, is now turning her attention to equestrian sports in order to fill her and Christian Lindner's joint household budget.

It has been just under two months since Franca Lehfeldt announced her departure as a television journalist from Welt TV, part of the Axel Springer Group. From now on, she wanted to "work as a freelance journalist" and was therefore "setting up her own communications and marketing agency", announced the wife of Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner. After all, she had been thinking for some time: "If you don't jump now, you'll never jump..."

Jumping was obviously a good keyword. After all, the first job that the 34-year-old has now landed could be titled "Hop, hop, horsewoman". However, the job is not about oxers or triple barre, but about the dressage discipline. And Lehfeldt doesn't get into the saddle herself, she lets the riders ride.

In future, the former specialist for affairs in political Berlin will be working with Isabell Werth from the beautiful town of Issum in North Rhine-Westphalia. The 54-year-old is Germany's most successful dressage rider with twelve Olympic medals and numerous other precious metal plaques in her wardrobe. Lehfeldt will take care of "communication and marketing" for the athlete, it is said.

"Many values"

"One as a professional in the saddle, the other as an enthusiast," Lehfeldt explains her commitment in an interview with the "Bild" newspaper. She continues: "I believe that you can take many values from equestrian sport - motivation, discipline, endurance and empathy for another living being."

Werth, too, is already going crazy with excitement about the collaboration: "My passion, my love of horses, is the driving force behind my motivation to train horses. Depicting this process creates transparency and provides information," she says in the RTL interview.

That's what you call a win-win situation. Or even a win-win-win situation. After all, the new job will certainly add a little money to the joint household budget of Lehfeldt and Christian Lindner, who have been married since July 2022. And that - who would know better than the Federal Minister of Finance - certainly can't hurt these days.

Read also:

Franca Lehfeldt's new role in equestrian sports not only provides an additional income source for her and her husband, Christian Lindner, but also allows her to promote values such as motivation, discipline, endurance, and empathy, as she mentions in an interview about her work with Germany's most successful dressage rider, Isabell Werth.

In this unique partnership with Werth, Lehfeldt will employ her marketing and communication skills to help promote the dressage discipline and share the process of training horses, following Werth's passion and love for horses. This collaboration could potentially contribute to even more success in the world of entertainment.


