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Forecast: around 211,000 people in need of care in Thuringia in 2042

An ageing population also means more people in need of care. This poses challenges for the healthcare and care system.

Care - Forecast: around 211,000 people in need of care in Thuringia in 2042

According to a forecast, around 211,000 people in need of care will live in Thuringia in 2042. This corresponds to an increase of 27 percent compared to 2021, as the State Statistical Office announced on Thursday. With a predicted population of only around 1.92 million people, around one tenth of the population would be dependent on care, according to the state office's population forecast. In 2021, around 166,000 people in need of care lived in the state.

According to the forecast, around 33,200 people will be dependent on residential care in 2042 and 49,900 on outpatient care from a care service. 128,200 are then expected to receive care allowance, which can be used for home care by relatives, friends or other volunteers.

Health insurance: need for care often begins with hospitalization

In the view of the health insurance company Barmer, the care system has so far been inadequately adapted to this development. For example, people in need of care are often hospitalized for an unnecessarily long time when they fall ill, because follow-up care must first be clarified and the search for free care places is lengthy. This is an indication of gaps in care, according to Barmer regional managing director Birgit Dziuk. In particular, there is a lack of offers for short-term care, with which those in need of care can continue to be cared for after a hospital stay for a certain period of time, for example. According to the fund, there are only eight short-term care facilities in Thuringia.

The fund pointed out that around one in four care cases in Thuringia currently originates from a hospital stay. Dziuk called for better communication between clinics and care insurance companies in order to improve the smooth provision of care for those affected. In addition, a state-run online register is needed that lists available care places. This would also reduce the administrative burden on nursing homes.

Press release from the State Statistical Office

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